Caterina - 2014-05-05

Hi all,
I'm very new to ptp so I need some help.

I've got a RedHat 6.1 pc directly connetted via LAN to a rugged board which has RetHat 6.1 OS too. Both on PC and on the board PTPd it's up and running.

What I would like to check , it is the accuracy of the PTPd since I would expect a microseconds accuracy.
Here after what I do:

1) Run ptpd on PC in slaveonly mode
2) Run ptpd on the board in masteronly mode
3) In the /var/run directory I pick up the file named ptpd2stats.log
3.1) I evaluate the standard deviation of the "One Way Delay" column (with the std() command in Matlab) and I get a value of about tens microsecond (e.g. 20 microseconds)
3.2) I evaluate the standard deviation of the "Offset from Master" column (with the std() command in Matlab) and I get a value of about hundreds of microsecond (e.g. 400 microseconds)

I would expect for the Offset from Master a standard deviation on tens of microseconds. Is it my expectation correct? If yes, any idea about what should be the problem?

Could be of any help to share with you the configuration files I use to launch ptpd?

Many many many thanks!


Last edit: Caterina 2014-05-05