
No follow-up messages sent in two-step mode

Bonny Chen
  • Bonny Chen

    Bonny Chen - 2016-01-25

    Hi everyone,

    We're running ptpd on two Macs over WiFi. In the status log, the master computer says that it's sending follow-up messages, but the status log of the slave says that it hasn't received any follow-up messages, and therefore can't calculate the clock offset, which just shows up as 0. We checked out what was happening through Wireshark, which corroborates that no follow-up messages are being sent by the master, and none are being received by the slave (but we do see announce, sync, delay_resp, delay_req). Does anyone have suggestions for what we could do to fix this?


  • skg

    skg - 2016-02-04

    What is the command you used?
    I was having the same problem two days ago on my ubuntu laptop.
    But finally everything worked.


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