Valeria Murgia - 2015-12-17

Hi everyone!
I'm using ptpd to sync a pc running Ubuntu (Master) and a beaglebone black running Debian, connectet via usb over ethernet.

The main problem of the Beaglebone is that it doesn't come with a backup battery, so at every reboot even if i set the time with ntpdate the time will be the wrong one anyway.
Derek Molloy suggested to fix the problem once and for all enabling the ) but I was hoping ptpd could do it.

Reading the documentation it says that:

To quickly coordinate a local clock that is off by more than one second, PTPd will reset the clock instead of slewing.

Looking at the ptpd2.conf.default-full file how should i set this parameter? N means no reset?

; Do not reset the clock - only slew.
clock:no_reset = N

sudo ptpd2 -C -V -i usb0 -s

sudo ptpd2 -C -V -i eth10 -M

I left ptpd running for more than 1hr but the gap between m-s it's still the same!