fedusrlive - 2016-12-02

I was running ptpd 2.3.0 and have noticed the receive queue is consistenatly higher than 0. I I downloaded and compiled version 2.3.1 as well and I am seeing the same thing.

The system is a performant machine with nothing running on it besides the ptpd daemon. Any tips on how I can get the ptpd application to run faster to be able to keep up with the packets as they come in so there is no packet queuing?

I have even isolated out cores and pinned the ptp process to a dedicated core but it is still having trouble keeping up because the queue remains greater than 0 (typically QR=4352 or something along those lines).

The command to view the receive queue is below.

# lsof -LnPTqs -i | grep -i ptp
ptpd2     4421    root    8u  IPv4   16622      0t0  UDP *:319 (QR=4352 QS=0)
ptpd2     4421    root    9u  IPv4   16623      0t0  UDP *:320 (QR=4352 QS=0)

Last edit: fedusrlive 2016-12-05