
Setting IP_MULTICAST_IF failed

  • Mirek Sobczak

    Mirek Sobczak - 2016-02-17

    ptpd2 failed when setsockopt in netInitMulticastIPv4 function (net.c;line 522 PERROR is printed put)
    2016-02-17 14:02:20.618873 ptpd2[1254].eth0 (error) (init) error while setting outgoig multicast interface (IP_MULTICAST_IF) (strerror: Cannot assign requested address)

    I've printed out :netPath->interfaceAddr from netInitMulticastIPv4 call and this is network address:

    What specific should be in multicast in network setting to get this function work?

    When I add to eth0
    ip addr add dev eth0
    than netInitMulticastIPv4 is called without error.

    I'm not sure that adding network address to eth0 is right or?

    Any help appreciated.

    Kind regards

    my current network configuration
    at my system:

    auto eth0 eth1 lo
    iface lo inet static
    iface eth0 inet static
            pre-up ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:04:5a:00:00:00 up
    iface eth1 inet static
            pre-up ifconfig eth1 hw ether 00:04:5a:00:00:01 up

    ip addr ->:

    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
        link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
        inet scope host lo
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000
        link/ether 00:04:5a:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
        inet brd scope global eth0
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    3: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000
        link/ether 00:04:5a:00:00:01 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
        inet brd scope global eth1
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

    ip route ->: dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src dev eth1  proto kernel  scope link  src
    • Wojciech Owczarek

      Hi Mirek,

      This is strange. I'm wondering why it captures an incorrect IP address. No, you definitely should not have to add the network address to the interface. Well, it's not even the network address of your network. It's the whole 192.168/16 as per RFC1918. What is the kernel version, OS / distribution and what NIC drivers are you using? Are you using regular Linux or some other OS - are you using the standard networks stack or something like LWIP? uCLinux?

      I know this may sound funny, but can you try a different mask for a test - configure yourself with something with a /24?

      The interface address comes from getifaddrs(). If you look at getInterfaceAddress() in net.c, there is a for loop going through all the addresses. Can you put some debug code to print all the addresses it finds, and don't exit the loop until you have looped through all addresses? I wonder if both the and your address will come up, or only one. Judging by the symptoms, the only thing that comes to my mind is some issue with getifaddrs - unless something has been configured on this NIC that causes it to behave this way.


      • Mirek Sobczak

        Mirek Sobczak - 2016-02-19

        Hello Wojciech,

        I've inserted more debug lines to net.c code.
        I've run ptpd-2.3.1-rc3 and ptpd-2.3.1 on older SoC module
        uname: Linux mki4 #86 PREEMPT Tue Jan 27 12:14:03 CET 2015 armv5tejl GNU/Linux

        I'm not confirm information from my previus post that on old kernel ptpd starts OK.

        For me more importent are lines:
        net.c: (function netInit)

                DBG_OUT_IFADDR((netPath->interfaceInfo.afAddress), "DBG 10");
                /* save interface address for IGMP refresh */
                    struct sockaddr_in* sin = (struct sockaddr_in*)&(netPath->interfaceInfo.afAddress);
                    netPath->interfaceAddr = sin->sin_addr;
                DBG_OUT_IFADDR((netPath->interfaceInfo.afAddress), "DBG 11");
                DBG("Local IP address used : %s \n", inet_ntoa(netPath->interfaceAddr));

        Debug printout

        2016-02-19 14:20:15.680689 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init)         DBG 10 address: <>
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.681283 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init)         DBG 11 address: <>
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.681814 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init) Local IP address used :
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.683314 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init) hostList 0 host: addr e303a8c0
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.684033 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init) hostList 0th host: domain 0
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.684596 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init) hostList 0th host: preference 0
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.685096 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init) configured 1 unicast destinations
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.685721 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init) netInitMulticast: Multicast Addr
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.691564 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init)         MC address: <>
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.692127 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init) netInitMulticastIPv4: IF Addr
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.692658 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (error)     (init) error while setting outgoig multicast interface (IP_MULTICAST_IF)      (strerror: Cannot assign requested address)
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.693377 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (error)     (init) Failed to initialize network

        full file results are in attachment:
        ptpd-2.3.1-rc3-log.log --- oryginal code
        ptpd-2.3.1-log.log --- oryginal code
        ptpd-2.3.1-log_dodatkowy_debug.log ---net.c with additional debug
        net.c with additional debug


      • Mirek Sobczak

        Mirek Sobczak - 2016-02-19

        Hello Wojciech,

        I 've made more tests.
        1. test with network mask /24 the same - bad
        2. I'm not confirm my previuos information that ptpd is running well on older version of our SoC uname: Linux mki4 #86 PREEMPT Tue Jan 27 12:14:03 CET 2015 armv5tejl GNU/Linux

        1. I've add more debug to net.c code. Lines interestin for me starts at 1158
          net.c (function netInit)
                DBG_OUT_IFADDR((netPath->interfaceInfo.afAddress), "DBG 10");
                /* save interface address for IGMP refresh */
                    struct sockaddr_in* sin = (struct sockaddr_in*)&(netPath->interfaceInfo.afAddress);
                    netPath->interfaceAddr = sin->sin_addr;
                DBG_OUT_IFADDR((netPath->interfaceInfo.afAddress), "DBG 11");
                DBG("Local IP address used : %s \n", inet_ntoa(netPath->interfaceAddr));


        2016-02-19 14:20:15.680689 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init)         DBG 10 address: <>
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.681283 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init)         DBG 11 address: <>
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.681814 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init) Local IP address used :
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.683314 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init) hostList 0 host: addr e303a8c0
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.684033 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init) hostList 0th host: domain 0
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.684596 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init) hostList 0th host: preference 0
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.685096 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init) configured 1 unicast destinations
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.685721 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init) netInitMulticast: Multicast Addr
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.691564 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init)         MC address: <>
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.692127 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init) netInitMulticastIPv4: IF Addr
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.692658 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (error)     (init) error while setting outgoig multicast interface (IP_MULTICAST_IF)      (strerror: Cannot assign requested address)
        2016-02-19 14:20:15.693377 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (error)     (init) Failed to initialize network

        ptpd was started with:
        ./ptpd2 -C -V -D 9 -c ptpd2.conf.default-full

        All results are in attachment.
        ptpd-2.3.1-log-rc3.log -- original code rc3
        ptpd-2.3.1-log.log -- original code
        ptpd-2.3.1 -- dodatkowy-debug.log
        net.c -- with debug lines

  • Mirek Sobczak

    Mirek Sobczak - 2016-02-17

    Hi, thank you for fast answer. I'll try to do this test tommorow.

    This is regular linux. Just build new kernel.
    Linux mki4 3.14.4-tq-arm-bsp-0109-rt4 #10 PREEMPT RT Wed Feb 17 14:09:48 CET 2016 armv5tejl GNU/Linux
    system is running on ARM SoM module TQMa28 - i.MX28

    To compare I've just started ptpd2_2.3.1-rc3 on old module with kernel 2.6.35 and ptpd2 is starting OK.
    Than I need to verify kernel or network settings on our new modul.


  • Mirek Sobczak

    Mirek Sobczak - 2016-02-19

    Hello Wojciech,

    I 've made more tests.
    1. test with network mask /24 the same - bad
    2. I'm not confirm my previuos information that ptpd is running well on older version of our SoC uname: Linux mki4 #86 PREEMPT Tue Jan 27 12:14:03 CET 2015 armv5tejl GNU/Linux

    1. I've add more debug to net.c code. Lines interestin for me starts at 1158
      net.c (function netInit)
            DBG_OUT_IFADDR((netPath->interfaceInfo.afAddress), "DBG 10");
            /* save interface address for IGMP refresh */
                struct sockaddr_in* sin = (struct sockaddr_in*)&(netPath->interfaceInfo.afAddress);
                netPath->interfaceAddr = sin->sin_addr;
            DBG_OUT_IFADDR((netPath->interfaceInfo.afAddress), "DBG 11");
            DBG("Local IP address used : %s \n", inet_ntoa(netPath->interfaceAddr));


    2016-02-19 14:20:15.680689 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init)         DBG 10 address: <>
    2016-02-19 14:20:15.681283 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init)         DBG 11 address: <>
    2016-02-19 14:20:15.681814 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init) Local IP address used :
    2016-02-19 14:20:15.683314 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init) hostList 0 host: addr e303a8c0
    2016-02-19 14:20:15.684033 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init) hostList 0th host: domain 0
    2016-02-19 14:20:15.684596 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init) hostList 0th host: preference 0
    2016-02-19 14:20:15.685096 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init) configured 1 unicast destinations
    2016-02-19 14:20:15.685721 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init) netInitMulticast: Multicast Addr
    2016-02-19 14:20:15.691564 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init)         MC address: <>
    2016-02-19 14:20:15.692127 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (debug1)    (init) netInitMulticastIPv4: IF Addr
    2016-02-19 14:20:15.692658 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (error)     (init) error while setting outgoig multicast interface (IP_MULTICAST_IF)      (strerror: Cannot assign requested address)
    2016-02-19 14:20:15.693377 ptpd2[26935].eth0 (error)     (init) Failed to initialize network

    ptpd was started with:
    ./ptpd2 -C -V -D 9 -c ptpd2.conf.default-full

    All results are in attachment.
    ptpd-2.3.1-log-rc3.log -- original code rc3
    ptpd-2.3.1-log.log -- original code
    ptpd-2.3.1 -- dodatkowy-debug.log
    net.c -- with debug lines


  • Mirek Sobczak

    Mirek Sobczak - 2016-02-19

    Hello Wojciech

    My previous post wait for moderation but my suspicious was correct.
    casting : struct sockaddr_in sin = (struct sockaddr_in)&(netPath->interfaceInfo.afAddress);
    is probably not correct, because of pointer aligment. Pointers are align to 32bit I thing on arm.

    Safe is to explicite copy struct. Code below works for me.

            DBG_OUT_IFADDR((netPath->interfaceInfo.afAddress), "DBG 10");
            /* save interface address for IGMP refresh */
                struct sockaddr_in* sin = (struct sockaddr_in*)&(netPath->interfaceInfo.afAddress);
                struct sockaddr_in sin1;
                unsigned u;
                memcpy(&sin1, &netPath->interfaceInfo.afAddress, sizeof(sin1));
                netPath->interfaceAddr = sin1.sin_addr;
            DBG_OUT_IFADDR((netPath->interfaceInfo.afAddress), "DBG 11");
            DBG("Local IP address used : %s \n", inet_ntoa(netPath->interfaceAddr));


  • Wojciech Owczarek

    Hi Mirek,

    OK, thanks - this is clearly a problem with memory alignment. Armv4 and v5 do not allow unalingned access.

    We can either do a memcpy, or change the field order to ensure everything is sitting on 32-bit.

    I'll have a look.


    • Mirek Sobczak

      Mirek Sobczak - 2016-02-25

      Hi Wojciech,

      Linux kernel allow to fixup alignments error by:
      echo 3 > /proc/cpu/alignment

      root@mki4:~# cat /proc/cpu/alignment
      User:           0
      System:         0
      Skipped:        0
      Half:           0
      Word:           0
      DWord:          0
      Multi:          0
      User faults:    3 (fixup+warn)

      But I think that in several cases this can slow down running process and this isn't very efficient.
      In ptpd this is only during init procedure. In two places. One is that we discussed above, the second one I can't find.


  • Wojciech Owczarek

    I thought armv4 and armv5 explicitly did not allow unaligned access, and armv6 had the toggle option.

    Anyway, we should not be relying on unaligned access or cpu fixup, the structures should be correctly aligned. From ARM I only currently have Raspberry Pi which is armv7 so can't test this properly, but I'll have a look at the structure layout, worst case I'll put some padding in.


  • Wojciech Owczarek

    Can you try this as an alternative and check if it fixes this for you:

    edit src/datatypes.h, find PTPClock definition, and move netPath to be the first field in the structure.


  • Mirek Sobczak

    Mirek Sobczak - 2016-02-26

    Hi Wojciech,

    I've changed PTPClock definition like you wrote but this isn't fixup bug.

    I've found second place of bug. This is DBG message, line 1008:

        DBG("Listening on IP: %s\n",inet_ntoa(
            ((struct sockaddr_in*)&(netPath->interfaceInfo.afAddress))->sin_addr));


  • Wojciech Owczarek

    OK, thanks. Any of these casts will be misaligned. I can get rid of the casts - and anyway, the transport API that's coming, decouples socket code from PTP code and provides an addressToString() method.



    Last edit: Wojciech Owczarek 2016-02-26

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