Jeremy Friesner - 2018-02-24

Hi all,

I was able to build ptpd from the wowczarek-2.3.2-libcck fork/branch and get it to synchronize clocks while in IPv6/masterslave mode on a couple of Debian machines. It seems to work well.

My question involves failover -- these machines each have two independent Ethernet ports, and sometimes they are configured with network redundancy, such that each Ethernet port is connected to a different Ethernet switch. The goal is that if one of the two Ethernet switches dies, the system can continue working via the other Ethernet switch until the dead switch is repaired.

It appears that ptpd only lets you specify a single Ethernet interface to use, though -- for example, I can specify --ptpengine:interface=eth0 to run PTP ond the first Ethernet interface, or I can specify --ptpengine:interface=eth1 to run it on the second, but I haven't found any way to run it on both at once, such that it will continue to work as long as at least one of the two networks is functional.

Is there currently any way to do that? Or if there isn't, are there any major "gotchas" that would make it difficult for a reasonably competent programmer to add that capability?
