
short or truncated cmsghdr

  • john stultz

    john stultz - 2007-03-10

    With both the latest tarball and SVN I'm seeing:

    (ptpd error) short or truncated cmsghdr!
    : Interrupted system call
    (ptpd debug) expected something but nothing

    Over and over.

    Setup: 2 systems:
    #1: ./ptpd -c -d -t -s5 -u <#2 ip>
    #2: ./ptpd -c -d -t -s2 -u <#1 ip>

    Any ideas?

    • kendall

      kendall - 2007-03-15

      What architecture and kernel?

    • kaven

      kaven - 2007-03-23

      I use Red Hat 9.0,kernel is 2.4.
      I also meet this problem.
      "ptpd!:short or truncated cmsghdr!
      :Resource temporarily unvailable"

    • kendall

      kendall - 2007-03-29

      I made some changes to the error logging that will hopefully provide more useful info. Try your setup with the code in subversion and post the results.

    • kendall

      kendall - 2007-04-01

      I just realized that I probably broke uni-cast operation. PTPd now uses looped back messages for send time stamps, but you need multi-casting to loop back. I'll see what I can do to fix it, sorry.

    • kendall

      kendall - 2007-04-01

      For now, you should be able to use the beta 4 version if you need uni-casting.

    • kendall

      kendall - 2007-04-02

      Uni-casting is fixed in the repository. However, now the option causes ptpd to uni-cast in addition to multi-casting, so you'll need multi-cast support in the kernel even if you're uni-casting. Will this cause problems for anyone?


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