
Frequency adjustment

  • Bassam Alsanie

    Bassam Alsanie - 2015-11-12

    I have my custom clock on the system that I want to apply the frequency adjustment on. IN the function adjFreq(double adj)
    what does "adj" really mean? Basically, I want to apply the correction on my custom clock by using this interface shiftCurrentFrequency(long int shiftInHz).

    What I am doing now as the following:
    __s64 freqShiftInHz = (long long int) (currentFreq * adj) / kPpb;
    shiftCurrentFrequency (freqShiftInHz);

    Thank you

  • Bassam Alsanie

    Bassam Alsanie - 2015-11-12

    More info:
    I will be using this custom clcok to steer multiple ethernet cards. As all of them are drivin by this clock.
    Custom clock max supported ppm = 1000
    Custom clock center frequency = 100MHz

  • Jan Breuer

    Jan Breuer - 2015-11-12

    adj should be in ppb, so it should be just

    shiftCurrentFrequency (adj / 10);

    where 10 = 1e9/100MHz. It can be also -10. I don't know the direction of adjFreq and your function.

    If your parameter is jsut an adjustment in Hz and not the resulting frequency, this should work.


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