
#59 bug for linux

Gal Koren

I've installed psyco 1.4 for linux from the source by
just typing:
python install
and it all went okay.
But take a look at this...

>>> import psyco
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
File "psyco/", line 45, in ?
raise ImportError, str(e) + extramsg
ImportError: No module named _psyco (cannot locate the
compiled extension '' in the package path 'psyco') is in the right place, it just that the
installation set it to have executable permission, and
so it could not be found by referencing it from a
local directory.
Writing "chmod auo-x ./" fixed the problem,
but it would be nicer if the installation wouldn't set
this permission in the first place.



  • Armin Rigo

    Armin Rigo - 2005-09-24

    Logged In: YES
    user_id=4771 must have executable permissions. I don't know
    what you expect "the right place" for it to be, but I'm
    more inclined to think you've falled into a very common
    trap: having Python confuse a local 'psyco' directory with
    the installed one. Try to 'cd' anywhere unrelated and
    importing psyco again.

  • Armin Rigo

    Armin Rigo - 2005-11-10

    Logged In: YES

    Closing this bug report as invalid, but feel free to reopen it if you want to provide more information about it. (All so files in a Linux system are supposed to have the executable bit so I don't know what you mean.)

  • Armin Rigo

    Armin Rigo - 2005-11-10
    • status: open --> closed-invalid
  • Armin Rigo

    Armin Rigo - 2005-11-10

    Logged In: YES

    Closing this bug report as invalid, but feel free to reopen it if you want to provide more information about it. (All so files in a Linux system are supposed to have the executable bit so I don't know what you mean.)


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