
#14 compiled code doesn't get compiled ;o)



I'm working on a project where I need to eval()
user-supplied expressions a huge number of time.
Typical expressions are 'a+b>0'. I use the compile()
builtin function to compile the expression into a code
object, and then call the eval() builtin function with
the appropriate local dictionnary.

I think I could get a huge performance boost if psyco
could work on code objects, but this is unfortunately
not currently possible. Is there a problem I'm not
aware of, or is this just a use case you had not imagined ?

>>> import psyco
>>> a = compile('a==b','toto','eval')
>>> a
<code object ? at 0x815ae58, file "toto", line -1>
>>> b = psyco.proxy(a)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
File "/home/alf/lib/python/psyco/", line
89, in proxy
raise TypeError, 'function or method required'
TypeError: function or method required




  • Armin Rigo

    Armin Rigo - 2002-09-16

    Logged In: YES

    I haven't thought about this case. The main problem is about
    the locals: Psyco only efficiently handles the so-called "fast
    locals" of Python, which are the variables that can be found to
    be locals at compile-time. For example, in "lambda a: a+1",
    the 'a' always refers to a local, but in "compile('a+1')", the 'a'
    might be a local or a global. Thus the code object is not the
    same in the previous two examples, and Psyco would not be
    efficient on the second one (even if it could be made to work
    on it).

    I will try to come up with a good solution; right now, I suggest
    a hack: embed your compiled code into a function. For
    example, try

    user_expr = "a==b"
    f = eval("lambda a,b: %s" % user_expr)
    g = psyco.proxy(f)

    In fact, the above idiom seems clean enough (cleaner than
    having to build a custom locals dict). Maybe Python itself
    would benefit from a standard function that compiles an
    expression into a lambda, given specified arguments;
    something like

    compile_lambda('a==b', ['a','b'])

  • Alexandre Fayolle

    Logged In: YES


    I've tested what you suggest in your reply. The good news is
    that using a lambda instead of a compiled code object is
    much faster, so actually gain some speed (about 40% faster).
    The bad news is that the proxyfied code is slower than the

    looping over f and g in the code you gave as an example
    illustrates this dramatically: it takes 3 times longer with
    g than with f on my machine.


  • Armin Rigo

    Armin Rigo - 2002-09-24

    Logged In: YES

    Calling a proxyfied object involves some overhead, so that you cannot
    hope to speed up a single very simple operation between Python objects
    coming from "outside" Psyco. You will get much better results by
    compiling the function that contains the loop. In general, you will want
    Psyco to compile the function that contains the core of your algorithm,
    and not just a loop-less function.

    There are subtle considerations involved in calling variable functions with
    Psyco. The following should be fast because 'f' is a global variable that
    doesn't get modified:

    user_expr = "a==b"
    f = eval("lambda a,b: %s" % user_expr)
    def test(list1, list2):
    for a,b in zip(list1, list2):
    test(range(100000), range(100000,0,-1))
    test(range(100000), range(100000,0,-1))

  • Alexandre Fayolle

    Logged In: YES

    Well, in that case, I'm already doing this, since the
    calling function is in a classe deriving from psyobj.

    You were asking for benchmarks the other day on
    Here's one.

    Solving the N-queens problem using logilab.constraint for 9
    queens takes about 21 seconds on my machine without psyco.
    With psyco, it goes down to 13 seconds (about 35% shorter).

  • Armin Rigo

    Armin Rigo - 2002-09-24

    Logged In: YES

    Ok. I was expecting that calling variable functions from the
    same point in the source code would call them without
    Psyco, so that they would run at Python speed -- but not
    three times slower! I guess there is a problem in the code
    calling Psyco proxies. I will try to come up with a solution
    that can massively speed up the calls of variable but
    explicitely proxyfied functions (but not variable and non-
    proxyfied functions -- this might blow up the memory by
    unexpectedly compiling new code over and over).

    I moved your report back to the "bugs" category :-)

  • Armin Rigo

    Armin Rigo - 2002-09-24
    • labels: --> Psyco compiler
    • assigned_to: nobody --> arigo
  • Armin Rigo

    Armin Rigo - 2002-10-03

    Logged In: YES

    According to some tests I made:

    def testing(user_expr):
    f = eval("lambda a,b: %s" % user_expr)
    # f = psyco.proxy(f)
    for i, j in something:
    f(i, j)

    Timings, with or without the commented proxy(f) line, with or
    without a prior psyco.bind(testing):

    * no psyco at all: 0.39 s
    * with bind(testing) only: 0.07 s
    * with proxy(f) only: 1.49 s
    * with both: 0.07 s

    so bind(testing) is the thing to do. In this case, adding a
    proxy(f) doesn't hurt and doesn't help; but just don't do it: it
    hurts a lot if Python has to call your proxy at each iteration of
    the loop.

    I'm considering this behavior as "expected" and closing the
    report. I expect future work on profilers to automatically
    detect that it is a good idea to bind testing() and not just f().
    A reasonable heuristic might be to choose to bind the
    functions with the higher time-spent-per-call ratio.

  • Armin Rigo

    Armin Rigo - 2002-10-03
    • status: open --> closed

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