
PSnews / News: Recent posts

PSnews v1.3 - Loads of new features !

PSnews v1.3 is here !

Available for download now, here's whats changed:

Feature Added In This Version: Horizontal lines in articles
Feature Added In This Version: Indented bullet points
Feature Added In This Version: Automated cookied login
Feature Added In This Version: Control which window links open into
Feature Added In This Version: XML output of your news

Some minor bugs fixed too.

Posted by Rich Kavanagh 2004-01-18

PSnews v1.2 arrives

Hot off the press, PSnews v1.2 is here.

Few bug fixes, few new features.

Take a look !

Posted by Rich Kavanagh 2003-11-09

PSnews v1.1 hits the shelves !

PSnews v1.1 hits the shelves !

No major changes or features, this is purely a bug fixing release.

If you're on PSnews v1.0 you can just download the patch from the files section and it'll upgrade you to v1.1

Thanks to Th3M4ch1n3 and Wayne Beasley for their help in this update.

Grab either the upgrade or the full v1.1 from here:

Posted by Rich Kavanagh 2003-06-12

PSnews comes out of Beta with v1.0 !

Well, it's been around seven or eight months in the making, but PSnews has today come out of Beta !

To mark this landmark event, the live demo has been updated and it now running v1.0 too.

The beta versions have been and gone now, with v1.0 making PSnews fully stable and secure. So stable and secure infact, that the Northants Police Force are using it !

Posted by Rich Kavanagh 2003-04-18

PSnews gets SQL Server support !

PSnews_v0.9b is now available for download. Major feature addition is the support for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 !

Changes made:

PSnews_README.txt added instructions for importing SQL database

PSnews_Menu_About.asp added Request Support, Report A Bug and Request A Feature links (line 1)

PSnews_DeleteMember.asp fixed a bug which allowed members to delete themselves (line 137)

PSnews_PrinterFriendly.asp order changed (lines 37-42) ... read more

Posted by Rich Kavanagh 2003-02-23

PSnews_v0.8b is now live

PSnews_v0.8b is now available for download. The following has been done:

Feature Added In This Version: Smilies
Feature Added In This Version: Printer Friendly links

Changes Made and/or Bugs Fixed:

PSnews_README.txt added instructions for adding Printer Friendly links to your news articles PSnews_EditNews.asp added support for Smilies (lines 101-106, 331-336 & 299-318)

PSnews_AddNews.asp added support for Smilies (lines 204-209 & 152-171) ... read more

Posted by Rich Kavanagh 2003-02-02

PSnews_v0.7b has hit the shelves !

Hellava lotta fixes too, read on:

Feature Added In This Version: Email members their new passwords when changed
Feature Added In This Version: AspEmail component support for email features
Feature Added In This Version: CDONTS component support for email features

Changes Made and/or Bugs Fixed:

PSnews_AddNews.asp removed two lines causing a major editing bug with reference to url and email links (lines 202 & 204) ... read more

Posted by Rich Kavanagh 2003-01-12

Live (usable) demo now up...

Live, usable demo of PSnews v0.6b is now available here:

Posted by Rich Kavanagh 2003-01-05

Removal of older versions

Please note, at the end of January 2003, I'll be removing all older versions of PSnews, so should you need one, get it quick !

Posted by Rich Kavanagh 2003-01-05

Hot on the heels of v0.5b comes PSnews_v0.6b !

Well, 24hrs since the last release, gotta be a record !

PSnews_v0.6b is now available for download.


Feature Added In This Version: Visitor logging: Time, Date, IP, Referer, OS & Browser

Changes Made and/or Bugs Fixed:

PSnews_Config.asp added option to turn SiteTracker on or off (lines 32-33)

PSnews_DeclareVariables.asp added the following variables: strSiteTracker (line 19)

PSnews_StartNews.asp added some code for SiteTracker feature (lines 10-19) ... read more

Posted by Rich Kavanagh 2003-01-05

PSnews_v0.5b now available !

Didn't take too long did it ?

PSnews_v0.5b is now available for download.

Feature Added In This Version: Direct linking to individual news articles

Changes Made and/or Bugs Fixed:

PSnews_LogOut.asp added Session.Abandon (line 20)

PSnews_DeleteMember.asp found a bug myself, I could delete myself ! - So, changed If Session("MemberID") = Request.QueryString("DeleteMemberID") Then to If Int(Session("MemberID")) = Int(Request.QueryString("DeleteMemberID")) Then as one was an interger and one wasn't so it was a Type Mismatch and would never link the two together (line 137) ... read more

Posted by Rich Kavanagh 2003-01-04

URGENT PATCH RELEASE for PSnews_Config.asp

Well, thanks to Core (#asp on quakenet), a major problem was brought to my attention. Users who did not have the JMail component installed on their server would not even be able to login using the default PSnews_Config.asp

A newer version of PSnews_Config.asp is available from the Files section of this site.

Posted by Rich Kavanagh 2003-01-03

PSnews_v0.4b is out...

Well, not long between 0.3b and 0.4b, I must have had more spare time than I thought.

Anyway, PSnews_v0.4b sees the arrival of Email features. At the moment, it's limited to JMail support only (, I'll add CDONTS and ASPMail later (probally).

Anyway, new things and changes in this version:

PSnews_Config.asp added some email setting variables (lines 32-57)

PSnews_AddMember.asp added some 'Email the WebMaster' features (lines 240-265) ... read more

Posted by Rich Kavanagh 2002-12-22

PSnews_v0.3b released !

Had to put the MS SQL Server support on hold I'm afraid, came across a few problems in displaying news.

PSnews_v0.3b comes to you with the following updates:

PSnews_ChangePassword.asp admin's can now change peoples passwords

PSnews_DeleteMember.asp added a check (lines 136-139) to make sure members can't delete themselves

PSnews_AddNews.asp added a check (lines 159-177 & 239) to make sure the Headline and Body fields of the form are not blank ... read more

Posted by Rich Kavanagh 2002-12-17

Coming up in v0.3b

Things changed so far for v0.3b:

PSnews_ChangePassword.asp admin's can now change peoples passwords

PSnews_DeleteMember.asp added a check (lines 136-139) to make sure members can't delete themselves

PSnews_AddNews.asp added a check (lines 159-177 & 239) to make sure the Headline and Body fields of the form are not blank

PSnews_login.asp added SQL UPDATE command (lines 123-127) to add the members last seen ip, date and time to the database ... read more

Posted by Rich Kavanagh 2002-11-29

Live (usable) demo now up...

So you can see how it works etc, live demo now hosted here:

Posted by Rich Kavanagh 2002-11-24

First Beta release available for download !

Well, at long last, there is an early beta release available for download !

I've persuaded the guys at to use it and it is live on their website now !

Proof it works eh :)

Anyway, please download, read it, rip it apart, whatever. If you'd like to see continued development, please signup to the mailing list and post any bugs found or suggestions for future releases to the Bug section on this site pease !... read more

Posted by Rich Kavanagh 2002-11-24

Alpha release currently being tested

We have an Alpha release which is currently being tested privately.

Expect an early beta available for download by the end of the week !

Posted by Rich Kavanagh 2002-09-16


Welcome to PSnews, the ASP based Content Management System for your webite.

End users will be able to add news, edit news, delete news from the own websites. They will also be able to add members, edit members and delete members.

All news and member information is stored in an Access 2000 database and the members passwords will be MD5 encrypted for extra security.

The aim of the project is to make it as simple as possible for end users to use and incorporate into their exisiting website.... read more

Posted by Rich Kavanagh 2002-09-14