
ps-scripts / News: Recent posts

CSX v1.4.2 released

CSX v1.4.2 has been released for awhile not. It now supports the Adobe Extensions Manager.

Posted by xbytor 2008-12-22

xtools 1.6 released

xtools v1.6 has been released for awhile now. Just updating the news listing.

Posted by xbytor 2008-12-22

xtools v1.6b2 released

This is the last rev prior to PSCS4 being released.

Posted by xbytor 2008-10-07

ContactSheetX v1.4b4 released

I uploaded what I hope will be the last 1.4 beta.

Check out the Changelog and ReleaseNotes for details.

Posted by xbytor 2008-09-24

ContactSheetX 1.4 beta 1 released

CSX v1.4b1 is now available. Things were getting to big for a 1.3.1 release and I've started adding some support for the eventual release of PSCS4.

Posted by xbytor 2008-07-07

xtools v1.6b1 released

I've uploaded a current snapshot of xtools. This is a roll up of all changes in the last year and includes some preparatory work for CS4. The docs will be updated when v1.6 is officially released.

Posted by xbytor 2008-07-07

xtools v1.5 released

xtools v1.5 has finally been released. This brings xtools up to PSCS3 on WinXP and OSX. Downloads are available here:

Posted by xbytor 2007-05-15

Contact Sheet X v1.2 released

Contact Sheet X v1.2 has been released. For more information, go to the CSX Homepage:
Download here:

Posted by xbytor 2007-05-07

xtools 1.5b3 released

This release brings xtools into sync across WinXP/OSX and CS2/CS3.

Posted by xbytor 2007-04-29

CSX v1.2b4 released

This rev contains everything that's going in to v1.2. There will be no more changes other than bug fixes. The ports to WinXP/OSX CS2/CS3 are all complete.

Posted by xbytor 2007-04-28

xtools 1.5b2 released

I rolled up a snapshot of xtools as it currently exists on my system. The sourceforge CVS repository is in sync with the package.

There will be one more beta before 1.5 is finally released. ETA for 1.5 is June 1.

Posted by xbytor 2007-04-12

Contact Sheet X v1.1 released

Contact Sheet X v1.1 has been released. For more information, go to the CSX Homepage:
Download here:

Posted by xbytor 2007-02-23

Contact Sheet X 1.1 Beta 1 released

Contact Sheet X v1.1b1 has been released. This beta period will last until 2007-02-18 unless serious problems are found.
For more information, go to the CSX Homepage:
Download here:

Posted by xbytor 2007-02-14

Contact Sheet v1.0 released

Contact Sheet X v1.0 has been released. For more information, go to the CSX Homepage:
Download here:

Posted by xbytor 2007-01-08

Contact Sheet X Beta 3

Contact Sheet X Beta 3 has been released. For more information, go to the CSX Homepage:

Posted by xbytor 2006-11-04

Contact Sheet X Beta 2 released

Contact Sheet X Beta 2 has been released. For more information, go to the CSX Homepage:

Posted by xbytor 2006-10-22

Contact Sheet X Beta 1 released

Contact Sheet X Beta 1 has been released. For more information, go to the CSX Homepage:

Posted by xbytor 2006-10-15

xbatch 1.5 Released

The first broad release of Photoshop script 'xbatch.jsx' has been posted. This is a slightly enhanced version of the script that is available at

Posted by xbytor 2006-10-13

Open Soon

I'll be dumping the current version of the toolkit sometime in the next two weeks. I've got some testing to take care of.

Posted by xbytor 2006-08-04