rofl0r - 2014-01-10

so we have the situation i described earlier:
"it is possible that they do the dns lookup directly or via some library like firedns which completely sidesteps the libc hooks and does the socket i/o on a low level."

as proxychains only hooks libc dns resolving functions such as getaddrinfo, there's no way it can intervene here. it would have to hook libudns functions as well.

libudns code is here

maybe there is an option to build jabber without udns support (maybe ./configure --disable-udns) so it falls back to libc. in that case proxychains would work. but that means you'd have to compile jabber yourself.
your other option is to look at the udns api and implement hooks in proxychains, or to patch code in jabber to use getaddrinfo() in place of udns calls.