
placing anything anywhere

  • Daniel Barna

    Daniel Barna - 2004-05-10

    Is it possible to 'place anything anywhere' with prosper?
    In principle one could use the macros provided by the pstricks package, but the coordinates to be defined by the user here are relative to the current position. Can it be done (or can it easily be implemented) to put textboxes, etc at coordinates specified in page-coordinate-system?
    that is, to the center of the page, or to the upper right corner of the page, or (3cm,5cm) away from the lower left corner of the page?
    Another nice feature would be the ability to store the position/dimensions of boxes: that is, one creates a box of a specified with with some text. this box will expand vertically to hold the text (e.g. a minipage). it would be nice if then later one could place another box for example to the lower right corner of this box, etc.

    • Andrew Collier

      Andrew Collier - 2004-05-10

      have a look at the "textpos" package.


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