
inserting a new task

Bug List
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-03-28

    When you insert a new task row using the insert +, the system renumbers the subsequent tasks in the first column, but doesn't change the numbers of the predecessor tasks in the predecessor column. That means the relationships end up wrong.
    Am I doing something wrong?

  • Peter

    Peter - 2013-06-19

    It seems to work for me. Is your scenario like the following?

    Task 1 (predecessor: none)
    Task 2 (predecessor: Task 1)
    Task 3 (predecessor: Task 2)
    Task 4 (predecessor: Task 3)
    Task 5 (predecessor: Task 4)

    And when you click + while on task 3, adding Task 2.5, the predecessor doesn't get updated for Task 4 and 5? For me this is what I get when I click + in that scenario:

    Task 1 (predecessor: none)
    Task 2 (predecessor: Task 1)
    Task 2.5 (predecessor: none)
    Task 3 (predecessor: Task 2)
    Task 4 (predecessor: Task 3)
    Task 5 (predecessor: Task 4)

    I think that's the correct behavior (and prob same behavior in Project) since it can't know whether your new task should be inserted in the linkage of dependencies or if you really want Task 3 to stay linked to Task 2.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-10-01
    Post awaiting moderation.


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