
timesheet - Report hours using time zones

  • JAC

    JAC - 2020-06-16


    Is it possible to register the hours per day using a time zone?

    For example JUN 16 2020

    8: 10 - meeting
    10:12 - project1 tasks
    13:14 - lunch
    14:16 - project2 task
    16:17 - email

    The timesheet only allows to report hours but not report these hours by timezone


  • Frank Bergmann

    Frank Bergmann - 2020-06-16


    time zone

    I understand you refer to "timesheet interval logging". "Time zone" would be New York vs. Berlin vs. Delhi :-)

    Yes, there is a package intranet-timesheet2-interval that implements that. Just search on for "cvs checkout" for "downloading" the pacakge and install via /acs-admin/apm/

    The package used to work at one customer, but it's not officially part of the product, so there is no guarantees related to it. Test first on a development server.

    If this should work for you, would you please work with us to publish a Success Story?
    Giving back is good Karma :-)


  • JAC

    JAC - 2020-06-16

    Sorry but I can't find the package, could you please send me a link?

    Thank you

  • Frank Bergmann

    Frank Bergmann - 2020-06-16

    cvs checkout intranet-timesheet2-interval

    As written above, please search for "cvs checkout" on for more information.


  • JAC

    JAC - 2020-06-16

    Sorry I think that I explained my need too bad.

    Really I wnated to know if it is possible to register intervals of hours for tasks
    In my example it should be:

    From 8 to 10 - meeting
    From 10 to 12 - project1 tasks
    From 13 to14 - lunch
    From 14 to16 - project2 task
    From 16 to 17 - email

    the program allows the number of hours reported to a task but not when were used those hours

    meeting 2h : current version
    meeting 8 to 10 : ¿? --> this is what I need

    I dont' want to register 2 hours for a task i want to register the interval of hours when I made the task

    pd. sorry for my poor English

  • Frank Bergmann

    Frank Bergmann - 2020-06-16

    Hi JAC,

    I wanted to know if it possible [...]

    Yes, this is exactly what the packages does.

    Sorry, this is open-source free support not a personalized contract. You will need to be able to read the documentation and to perform a "cvs checkout". Otherwise please ask for help within your organization from somebody familiar with system administration and Linux.


  • JAC

    JAC - 2020-07-14

    Hi Frank,
    Is it necessary to uninstall previously the package intranet-timesheet2?
    I've installed intranet-timesheet2-interval in my test environment but the page intranet-timesheet2/hours/index continue being the same, that is, only the possibility to insert the number of hours per project but not the interval.


  • Frank Bergmann

    Frank Bergmann - 2020-07-14


    No, the intranet-timesheet2-interval package requires the intranet-timesheet2 package. It 's an add-on.

    It's basically a different way to enter hours. But at the end (and in order to maintain compatibility with all the other parts of ]po[ that use timesheet information), the entered hours are stored in aggregated form into the same im_hours table.

    The portlet for logging hours should appear on the project's page or the home page, I don't remember...


  • JAC

    JAC - 2020-07-15

    Hi, I only got this portlet (attached) but all the buttons are disabled :(


  • Klaus Hofeditz

    Klaus Hofeditz - 2020-07-15

    Could it be that you created the test task in the GANTT Editor above but did not save it? (See DISC icon). Have u tried to refresh the page?

  • JAC

    JAC - 2020-07-16

    no, that's not the problem.
    Both are independent portlets.

  • JAC

    JAC - 2020-07-21

    As you can see I already have the package installed

    But the only thing I can see related to this addon is this portlet (once I open a project, not in the home page)

    The program doesn’t detect tasks associated to the project (and as you can see there are 2 tasks created) and the timesheet interval portlet options are always disabled and I’m searching in the system how to activate it but I can’t find the solution.

    Does anybody have this addon working?


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