Hello everyone!
I just tried out your Docker-Image "project-open-Docker-Community-".
I experience that the services inside the container are not launched.
Everything's fine when I launch the binaries manually:
[root@71d3d55f08e3 /]# mkdir /var/run/postgresql
[root@71d3d55f08e3 /]# chown postgres:postgres /var/run/postgresql
[root@71d3d55f08e3 /]# su -c "/usr/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/pgsql/data -p 5432" postgres &
[root@71d3d55f08e3 /]# su -c "/usr/local/ns/bin/nsd -t /web/projop/etc/config.tcl -u projop -g projop" projop &
[root@71d3d55f08e3 /]# su -c "/usr/local/ns/bin/nsproxy ExecPool ExecPool-7" projop &
But at container-start, they're not fired up (and ports are closed for that reason).
Since it's not very convenient to launch the services manually every time, can you please have a look on this?
My host-system is Gentoo.