
flow control obfuscation?

art blair
  • art blair

    art blair - 2004-09-14

    Any plans for flow control obfuscation in proguard?

    • Eric Lafortune

      Eric Lafortune - 2004-09-14

      It's not high on my list of priorities. For the time being, some optimization techniques may obfuscate the control flow as a side effect.


    • h2ooo75

      h2ooo75 - 2004-10-05

      I wish to see the flow control obfuscation in ProGuard, it makes our code more secured.

      Apchar, you may want to take a look at SandMark,

    • gordan

      gordan - 2004-10-24

      Having looked at many commercial products, I found that control flow obfuscation is the only really important thing missing in ProGuard.
      The key point is that commonly available decompilers should be pushed to produce some amount of pseudo-assembly code within the generated source files.
      Not having directly recompilable source files is a powerful repellent against the the 95% "amateur" software thieves and puts anyhow the bar higher even for those who understand assembler.

      I'm talking here about a real practical case I've had.

      • h2ooo75

        h2ooo75 - 2004-10-28

        I agree with gordan.

        I do appreciate and support ProGuard and unfortunately, I can't convince my project teams to use ProGuard merely because of the missing flow control obfuscation. Zelix KlassMaster is the one we are looking at currently.