
Dont see anything in call tree and call graph

  • almas

    almas - 2010-02-27


    I have clicked on take snapshot button, but still i dont see any thing in those two tabs. I am using beta 3 version. Following is the log:

    C:\Documents and Settings\i143628>java -jar C:\profiler4j-1.0-beta3\console.jar
    Install dir is C:\profiler4j-1.0-beta3
    Added library lib\commons-logging-1.1.jar
    Added library lib\jcommon-1.0.0.jar
    Added library lib\jdom.jar
    Added library lib\jfreechart-1.0.1.jar
    Added library lib\profiler4j-1.0-beta3.jar

    | Profiler4j Console 1.0-beta3-SNAPSHOT (build 36)       |
    | Copyright 2006 Antonio S. R. Gomes                     |
    | See LICENSE-2.0.txt for details                        |
    Feb 27, 2010 7:37:43 PM net.sf.profiler4j.console.client.Client connect
    INFO: Client connected to localhost:7890
    Supports thread contention monitoring? true
    Supports thread cpu time monitoring? true

    I see things in other 3 tabs except above two. Can you please help me?

    Thanks In advance,

  • Antonio S. R. Gomes

    Are you sure you defined rules that match at least one method actually executed after you applied the rules and before taking the snapshot?

    Here is what I do (assuming the agent is started properly):

    1. start the application to be profiled
    2. start P4J console
    3. edit the rules
    4. in the console, activate the rules
    5. use the application
    6. take a snapshot

    Are you still not seeing the statistics? Is there any exception in your application caused by the profiling agent?


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