
ProcStart - Process Monitoring/(Re)Start / News: Recent posts

ProcWatch vs. ProcStart

Please only use ProcStart for future deployment. This tool is much faster, tested on Win2019/Win10-20H2 and all works on all actual Windows-Platforms.
You need to edit the XML-Config manually and open it in the tool or pass the filepath as a command-line option.
It starts all processes as subprocess of ProcStart and reacts to crashin instances instantly. There is no use of the "windows-performance registry" or "process-browsing" that made a few problems in the past.
Please tell me when you have any problems with it or really need something improved.
I am wishing you all a great christmas-time and a healthy switch to the new year.... read more

Posted by Ch F 2020-12-12

Use SVN!!

Please use the SVN-repository to download sourcecode! The code to the actual binary is in /tags/!
The code in procwatch-source-package in the download area is outdated.

Posted by Ch F 2008-05-26


Stabilitätsverbesserungen, Sortierfunktionalität.
New binaries in Download.
Sorting Processnames possible now.
Should run more stable on all 32bit Windows platforms.

Posted by Ch F 2008-05-18


New version - some comfort features new

Posted by Ch F 2007-10-14


Neue Version, bessere Stabilität und Performanz,
Neues Dateiformat, bitte die zip-Datei laden (nur .exe, wenn die vc-Laufzeitumgebung schon installiert ist)

A new release is in downloads.
Increased stability and performance.
Load the zip with just the executable, when you have the vc-runtime.

Posted by Ch F 2007-09-10


ProcWatch Sources with actual development main-steps are now stored in Subversion.

Posted by Ch F 2007-08-14

Version 0.0.2

New Release available, a few features added....
This is still an alpha-development-release (!), although very stable now.

Posted by Ch F 2007-01-16