
Sizing History - Log Normal Form

  • madosta

    madosta - 2011-11-09

    We are trying to build a project sizing history table (to get to size vs Effort per component).

    Is there any place in Process or Team dashboard where we can get to a table with following information:

    Component (Reqirements, Code etc)
    Size Unit (LOC, Req Pages)
    Actual Size
    Effort (hrs)

    We are also looking to build a Log Normal form to better help software size estimation during our launches. 

  • David Tuma

    David Tuma - 2011-11-09

    All of this information is available in the WBS Editor.  You can export the data to Excel for easier processing by using the appropriate option on the WBS Editor "File" menu. 

    Note that if you Add a new custom tab in the WBS and configure it with the exact columns of data you need, that custom tab will become a worksheet in the exported Excel file, saving you a lot of time.

    However, this export will contain the entire hierarchical structure, which is more detail than you need. So you will have to go through and select the rows that represent components you care about.

    This exported spreadsheet will contain pure data, no calculations - so I would recommend that you copy and paste the relevant component rows into some other spreadsheet that you use to calculate the log-normal tables.  Fortunately the log-normal table calculations are very simple to perform in Excel in a new spreadsheet you create.

    When you have multiple project iterations (one after the other), you will have to open the WBS for each project/iteration independently to access all of the data.  So the best practice would be to export this data during your iteration postmortem and add it to the ongoing log-normal spreadsheet that you maintain.

  • madosta

    madosta - 2011-11-14

    This works great, but what about the size inventory data when entered using the Size Inventory page in the Team project. 

    For instance, the data we are trying to report on is the data entered in the Actual form fields. 

  • David Tuma

    David Tuma - 2011-11-15

    When data is entered into the Size inventory Form, it is attached to a particular element in the WBS.  That actual size data is then summed up hierarchically by WBS component, and displayed in the WBS on the "Actual Size" tab.


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