
#12 mouselook


Even though i THUROUGHLY enjoyed the original Doom, it
is VERY difficult for me to enjoy PRBoom w/out
mouselook, as that is the defacto way i play 3d games
now. Maybe i just don't know how to set it up, but i
think it should be the default setting anyway. Also,
some hacked dooms allow you to turn auto aim off, in
conjunction with mouse look, this is a cool feature.
Plus it would help "break in" newbies, so they can
start fragging better in Urban Terror.



  • Colin Phipps

    Colin Phipps - 2002-05-15
    • summary: feature request. --> mouselook
  • Colin Phipps

    Colin Phipps - 2002-05-15

    Logged In: YES

    It's not a traditional Doom feature, but it's possible that it will get added at some point.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I agree that we need mouselook in PRBoom. The only source
    port that works on my Linux box right now is PRBoom, and I
    have a lot of trouble these days playing Doom without the
    mouselook feature. Please? :)


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    there still seems to be no version with mouselook. that's
    too bad because the glboom rendering gives the best results
    of all common source ports (according to my personal taste,
    of course).
    especially the org. wads are simply looking great with the
    big pixels blurred smoothly when you're standing in front of
    a door or a wall or lurking around a corner.
    but with no mlook available, its sometimes difficult to play
    "modern" wads: they often make use of much more complex
    structures with higher rooms, platforms, high stairways,
    balconies facing deeper floors etc. than classic maps.



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