
#216 Key binds interfering with cheats (again)


An old issue pops up again, this time with the new "fly" cheat. If you have the Quit function bound to the "Y" key, you cannot type "fly".


  • Andrey Budko

    Andrey Budko - 2012-10-11

    What do you suggest?

  • Tirsa Poppins

    Tirsa Poppins - 2012-10-17

    Prefix all cheat codes with "TNT" (if they aren't already) to be like "tntcomp", for example. Place them into a look-up table. Every time a user enters "TNT" process X key strokes (where X = the length of the longest cheat code minus "TNT") as potential cheat codes, comparing the keys pressed against the look-up table and ignoring any binds (like "Y" = quit) for the length of X. If the sequence of the pressed keys matches a cheat code in the table, execute that code; if it does not match do nothing.
    Or perhaps replace "TNT" with "e6y" if you like. ;)

  • Tirsa Poppins

    Tirsa Poppins - 2012-10-17

    Or you can make three look-up tables: one for "id*" codes, one for "tnt*" codes and one for "e6y*" codes. The value of X would seem to be 8 then, as "idchoppers" is probably the longest cheat code.

  • Andrey Budko

    Andrey Budko - 2012-10-17

    So I'll not able to move for 8 key strokes after pressing TNT? I switch weapon by these keys, for example.

  • Fabian Greffrath

    Hm, this would need a 10 byte (for "idchoppers") ring buffer that saves the last 10 keys pressed and gets checked if it contains a cheat each time a key is released.

  • Fabian Greffrath

    Sorry for my last post, this was brain diarrhoe. I was playing the latest SVN snapshot r4303 and believed I suffered the same issue when I played Chex Quest and tried to enter cheats. However, the reason was that the chexdeh lump that changes the cheat strings could not get loaded, because I still had an old version of prboom-plus.wad installed on my system.


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