
FEATURE REQUEST:Conservative governor support

  • BeatRyder

    BeatRyder - 2006-04-05

    I really like this app, and I was wondering if you could add (configurable) support for the governors.

    I am not a fan of the ondemand governor as it only jumps from lowesr to highest speeds.

    • Stefan Seyfried

      Stefan Seyfried - 2006-04-05

      This has been brought up before. It has low priority because:
      - the conservative governor is not as stable as ondemand, lately it gained some publicity on lkml due to bugs.
      - we are setting the ondemand parameters in a way that it does not switch as fast and in fact behaves almost exactly like our userspace implementation which got lots of tuning and testing over the years.

      > I am not a fan of the ondemand governor as it only jumps from lowesr to highest speeds.

      This is simply not true with the parameters we configure in powersaved for the ondemand governor.
      Per default, you may be right, but not when used in combination with powersaved.

    • BeatRyder

      BeatRyder - 2006-04-06

      >> I am not a fan of the ondemand governor as it only jumps from lowesr to highest speeds. 

      >This is simply not true with the parameters we configure in powersaved for the ondemand governor.
      Per default, you may be right, but not when used in combination with powersaved.

      I understand that, however you cannot be so sure.

      My experience has been that it has *never* not once used a speed between min and max. The conservative governor does.

    • BeatRyder

      BeatRyder - 2006-04-06

      After doing some reading on lkml, I have found some bugs regarding the conservative. None how ever that cause instability, or data corruption. For the most part the only problem is that it just does not work.

      Also, I have found documentation that states:
      The CPUfreq governor "conservative", much like the "ondemand"
      +governor, sets the CPU depending on the current usage.  It differs in
      +behaviour in that it gracefully increases and decreases the CPU speed
      +rather than jumping to max speed the moment there is any load on the

      now I realize that it does not say directly in the documentation that the ondemand jumps from min to max, but the above quote certainly impies it.

      As does my experience.

      • Stefan Seyfried

        Stefan Seyfried - 2006-04-06

        Well, maybe it depends on the hardware or something. For me, ondemand definitely uses intermediate frequencies.
        Could you open a bug for this at (if you are not using suse linux, just file it against 10.1 latest beta and use the "mobile devices" component), so we can try to find and fix the problem? Or subscribe to the powersave-users list and we try to fix your problem there?
        That would be more easy to work with than those clumsy sourceforge forums ;-)

        We will look into integrating the conservative governor, but it will take some time and if you hit a bug in the ondemand setup, we should fix it anyway.


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