
PowerJournal / News: Recent posts

Status as of 07/2002

I have completed about 90% of
the next release which includes true encryption of private entries.
Somewhere along the way I have been sidetracked onto other projects
though. I am not sure when I will get around to finishing this release.

Unfortunately, the next release will probably be the last major
release. I may do some point releases for bug fixes and small features,
etc. There are simply so many projects I want to work on and so little
time ;-)... read more

Posted by Chris Arrowood 2002-07-30

v 1.0 Released

I am pleased to release the 1.0 version of PowerJournal. This version includes several new features that I think you will find useful such as:

  • Supports "skins" so you can change the way the program looks
  • Export to text, csv, or HTML
  • includes a new multiple entry view
  • Easier navigation

See LOG.TXT for full list of what has changed.

As of this release there are no plans to continue development of this project, except for bug fixes. It has matured into a usable project with a reasonable set of features and I am very satisfied with it.... read more

Posted by Chris Arrowood 2001-12-29

Upcoming Release

Next release will include a grid view of all entries at once; I am also considering export to html, text, and comma-seperated value features. It should be out by years end. Sign up on the "announce" mail list to be notified of the release.

Posted by Chris Arrowood 2001-12-14

v 0.2 Released

I am pleased to release the 0.2 version of PowerJournal. This version includes several new features that I think you will find useful:
- added guest mode
- added private entries
- added support for multiple journals
- added MySql support
- disabled menus while program starts
- added ability to go to a specified entry
- added frame icon to all dialog boxes
- added a configuration database

Posted by Chris Arrowood 2001-12-09

Upcoming Release

I may release 0.2 this weekend (12-2-2001).

Posted by Chris Arrowood 2001-11-27

My SQL Support

Over the last 2 days I have added support for MySQL as the database for the entries. It will be in the next release.

Posted by Chris Arrowood 2001-11-27

SourceForge CVS Repository

I do not think I will be using the CVS tree provided at Sourceforge, but instead I will be using my own local CVS repository. The source code will continue to be released with each new release of PowerJournal of course.

Posted by Chris Arrowood 2001-11-24

Version 0.1 Released

Woohoo! The first version of PowerJournal has been released! The focus was on completing basic functionality first so there are not a lot of extra features in this release.

Posted by Chris Arrowood 2001-11-24