
Mailinglist for postlister

  • Dave Aaldering

    Dave Aaldering - 2001-09-18

    Hi All, I would like to see a mailing list for postlister, such as postlister-announce and postlister-development. Do we need this? Do we want this? who can provide this ?

    Im working on installing mailman at the moment, so if you would like me to run it, let me no as well,

    Regards, Dave

    • Robert Treat

      Robert Treat - 2001-09-19

      There didn't seem like enough (any) traffic on the old development mailing list to warrent it, but if that changes we can certainly create one. As for an announce list, I hope to get a version of postlister working on the sourceforge site to fill that role. (Seemed like the apropriate thing to do)


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