
Postlet :: Multiple file upload applet / News: Recent posts

New Features

It has been a long while (just over a year), so it's about time for a new release of Postlet. I've been provided with an excellent patch by Gerard Boor ( which enables Postlet to split files before uploading, allowing much larger files to be uploaded. He's also cleaned up some of my untidy code, ensuring that Postlet should run perfectly.

The full release will be available soon, but for those of you who would like it right now, you can download the SVN version from the Postlet website ( )

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2010-03-16

0.15 Release

This is the fifteenth major release of Postlet, a Java based applet which allows users to upload multiple files from a web page to a server. It is efficient and more convenient than ordinary form based upload, but still adheres to the basic HTTP protocols.

This release includes many bug fixes, and also a much improved JavaScript interface. Documentation of the changes will be on the site soon.

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2008-09-04

0.14 Release

This is the fourteenth major release of Postlet, a Java based applet which allows users to upload multiple files from a web page to a server. It is efficient and more convenient than ordinary form based upload, but still adheres to the basic HTTP protocols.

This release adds the ability to specify a "drop image" which replaces the file list table. For an example of this see read more

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2007-11-13

Apologies for lack of updates

Apologies for the lack of updates, but I've been very busy recently with a relocation to London and a new job. I hope to get back on track with Postlet as soon as possible.


Posted by Simon Rycroft 2007-05-09

0.13 Release

This is the thirteenth major release of Postlet, a Java based applet which allows users to upload multiple files from a web page to a server. It is efficient and more convenient than ordinary form based upload, but still adheres to the basic HTTP protocols.

This release adds image resizing functionality to the applet. It will resize PNG, JPEG and GIF* images if they are above a predetermined size (total area in pixels). Many thanks to Herve Cros ( ) for his submission of code towards this.... read more

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2007-03-08

0.12.1 Release

This is the twelfth major release of Postlet, a Java based applet which allows users to upload multiple files from a web page to a server. It is efficient and more convenient than ordinary form based upload, but still adheres to the basic HTTP protocols.

This release adds more feedback over version 0.11, and allows for javascript on the page to access an array of successfully and unsuccessfully uploaded files.... read more

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2007-02-07

0.12 Release

This is the twelfth major release of Postlet, a Java based applet which allows users to upload multiple files from a web page to a server. It is efficient and more convenient than ordinary form based upload, but still adheres to the basic HTTP protocols.

This release adds more feedback over version 0.11, and allows for javascript on the page to access an array of successfully and unsuccessfully uploaded files.

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2006-11-14

0.11 Release

This is the eleventh major release of Postlet, a Java based applet which allows users to upload multiple files from a web page to a server. It is efficient and more convenient than ordinary form based upload, but still adheres to the basic HTTP protocols.

This release adds feedback to the applet, resulting in error messages being displayed if file upload fails.

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2006-11-08

0.10.2 Release

This is the tenth major release of Postlet, a Java based applet which allows users to upload multiple files from a web page to a server. It is efficient and more convenient than ordinary form based upload, but still adheres to the basic HTTP protocols.

This release fixes three minor bugs with the 0.10 release of Postlet (Please see the change log for details), and also adds the ability to hide the "Help button". Over and above the 0.10.1 release, this also fixes the line-ending bug noticed by some, and also changes the User-Agent string to a unique Postlet one (will help users to track its usage).

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2006-11-03

0.10.1 Release

This is the tenth major release of Postlet, a Java based applet which allows users to upload multiple files from a web page to a server. It is efficient and more convenient than ordinary form based upload, but still adheres to the basic HTTP protocols.

This release fixes three minor bugs with the 0.10 release of Postlet (Please see the change log for details), and also adds the ability to hide the "Help button"

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2006-10-04

0.10 Release

This is the tenth major release of Postlet, a Java based applet which allows users to upload multiple files from a web page to a server. It is efficient and more convenient than ordinary form based upload, but still adheres to the basic HTTP protocols.

This release adds HTTPS support to Postlet, and fixes a few minor bugs with the 0.9 version.

Feedback regarding use of Postlet with HTTPS servers would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2006-09-14

0.9.1 Release

This is the ninth major release of Postlet, a Java based applet which allows users to upload multiple files from a web page to a server. It is efficient and more convenient than ordinary form based upload, but still adheres to the basic HTTP protocols.

This release fixes a minor bug with 0.9 which resulted in files being one byte too long once uploaded to the server (Thanks to Josefa Jul for pointing this out). ... read more

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2006-06-06

0.9 Release

This is the ninth major release of Postlet, a Java based applet which allows users to upload multiple files from a web page to a server. It is efficient and more convenient than ordinary form based upload, but still adheres to the basic HTTP protocols.

This release allows files to be added to the applet via Drag'n'drop. It has been tested on Windows, Mac OS X and KDE, and found to work fully with all of these.... read more

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2006-05-23

Migration to SVN

Postlet will now be using SVN for development work. This should not affect the end user, unless building from source.

The current source is available via:

svn co postlet

For users used to using a GUI, I'd recommend tortoiseSVN ( on windows, and kdeSVN or eSVN on Linux.

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2006-03-31

0.8 Release

This is the eight major release of Postlet, a Java based applet which allows users to upload multiple files from a web page to a server. It is efficient and more convenient than ordinary form based upload, but still adheres to the basic HTTP protocols.

This release enables the applet to interact with JavaScript. This enables the applet to call a JavaScript method on completion of uploads, this will enable the applet to be used in web pages which make use of Ajax, allowing the page to be updated without having to refresh it. The method called is postletFinished.... read more

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2006-03-21

0.7 Release

This is the seventh major release of Postlet, a Java based applet which allows users to upload multiple files from a web page to a server. It is efficient and more convenient than ordinary form based upload, but still adheres to the basic HTTP protocols.

This release enables users to interact with Postlet via JavaScript. Currently only two methods are implemented (

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2006-03-08

0.6.8 Release

This is a bug fix on the sixth release of Postlet, a Java based applet which allows users to upload multiple files from a web page to a server. It is efficient and more convenient than ordinary form based upload, but still adheres to the basic HTTP protocols.

This is a bug fix release, which hopefully fixes the problem users of IIS and other servers have been noticing. Also, Connection is set to close, rather than Keep-Alive (what was I thinking?). I intend to have sockets reused in future.... read more

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2006-02-24

0.6.7 Release

This is a bug fix on the sixth release of Postlet, a Java based applet which allows users to upload multiple files from a web page to a server. It is efficient and more convenient than ordinary form based upload, but still adheres to the basic HTTP protocols.

This is a bug fix release, which hopefully fixes the problem users of IIS and other servers have been noticing (An extra line break where it shouldn't have been, for the curious amongst you). ... read more

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2006-02-23

0.6.6 Release

This is a bug fix on the sixth release of Postlet, a Java based applet which allows users to upload multiple files from a web page to a server. It is efficient and more convenient than ordinary form based upload, but still adheres to the basic HTTP protocols.

This is a bug fix release, which hopefully fixes the problem users of IIS and other servers have been noticing (An extra line break where it shouldn't have been, for the curious amongst you).... read more

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2006-02-22

0.6.5 Release

This is a bug fix on the sixth release of Postlet, a Java based applet which allows users to upload multiple files from a webpage to a server. It is efficient and more convenient than ordinary form based upload, but still adheres to the basic HTTP protocols.

This is a bug fix release, which adds language support for a number of extra languages (as detailed on the home page).

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2006-02-16

0.6 Release

This is the sixth release of Postlet, a Java based applet which allows users to upload multiple files from a webpage to a server. It is efficient and more convenient than ordinary form based upload, but still adheres to the basic HTTP protocols.

This release of Postlet adds on to previous work to further improve the reliability of Postlet. Further language support has also been added (Still looking for a Portuguese translation!).

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2006-01-20

0.5 Release

This is the fifth release of Postlet, a Java based applet which allows users to upload multiple files from a webpage to a server. It is efficient and more convenient than ordinary form based upload, but still adheres to the basic HTTP protocols.

This release of Postlet fixes the most significant bug which had been affecting the upload performance. Uploads should now be fast and consistant.

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2005-11-16

0.4 Release

This release hopefully resolves the 15 second delay problem that some users have been experiencing. I'd greatly appreciate it if users could test this and reply to the thread in the forums stating whether the problem has been fixed or not.
I've also enabled the column titles, with options to change the column title colours.

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2005-09-27

0.3 Release

The third and possibly final pre-release version of Postlet has been released. This fixes a major bug with the upload process (which now uses sockets directly rather than Java's own interface). Again, the release contains a script for the uploading of files to a PHP enabled webserver. If anyone is using alternate webservers with Postlet, could you please send me a copy of your script to include with the relase.... read more

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2005-08-08


I am currently working on a release of Postlet which uses sockets rather than java's own HTTP layer. The reasoning for this is that the java implementation caches the whole message (including all of a file to post) until it has it all ready to send, and then sends it. This means that for a large file, the whole file is read into memory, rather than being read into memory in small chunks and then sent to the server. I have a working version which I will release very soon (this is not available on CVS yet due to limited access, but should be soon).... read more

Posted by Simon Rycroft 2005-08-04