
Upgrade from Postfix 2.93 to Postfix 3

  • Oliver Busch

    Oliver Busch - 2016-09-12


    I use postfixadmin 2.93, can i upgrade this installation to postfixadmin 3.0? will my configuration saved or must i reconfigure everything? i had many domains and users accounts with some qutotas.

    thanks for help!

  • Rhys McWilliams

    Rhys McWilliams - 2016-09-12

    Hi Oliver,
    Yes you can upgrade from 2.93 to 3.0, I've just done mine.
    Just copy your config.local.php from your 2.93 folder (hopefully you're using the config.local.php for your settings) into the new 3.0 folder (or however you setup your folders) and then of course run the upgrade.php via your browser.

    I'f you're a little worried about your data and settings, make a backup of your databse and the current 2.93 folder so you can go back to it should something go wrong, which it shouldn't...

  • Oliver Busch

    Oliver Busch - 2016-09-12

    Hi Rhys McWilliams,

    Many thanks for your very fast reply! :-)

    okay cool, i will made a backup of database an files. i also have my config in the config.local.php.

    did the upgrade.php some changes on the database? because my postfix made some mysql lookups, and i have some quota regulations that i create with postsfixadmin.

    best regards and thanks!

  • Rhys McWilliams

    Rhys McWilliams - 2016-09-12

    Hi Oliver,
    As long as you're using the standard database setup and have not changed any of the database column names or structure then the upgrade will not affect your current usage.

  • Oliver Busch

    Oliver Busch - 2016-09-17


    Thanks for reply. I now my postfix database table "config" said:

    version 1835

    is that the correct version?

    best regards!

  • Rhys McWilliams

    Rhys McWilliams - 2016-09-19

    Hi Oliver,
    As far as I can tell that is the databse version for PFA 3.0, that is what I show in the config table in my PFA database after doing the update.


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