
questions on quota - preferred method

  • Kai Schätzl

    Kai Schätzl - 2017-07-17

    Dovecot documentation says that the preferred quota method now is Is this supported by postfixadmin? I tried to follow the description in (which is for Quota/Dict) but 1. it's not working for me and 2. it doesn't seem to fit in with the Dovecot wiki at (for instance the wiki mentions only a quota table while postfixadmin says quota2 is the preferred table). I don't see any of the tables quota or quota2 getting updated. What should one of them normally contain? Updates on the current quota usage from dovecot or should postfixadmin write something to them?
    The document mentions lda, but preferred method of delivery is dovecot-lmtp as I understand.
    There are some other discrepancies, so I'm not sure how to proceed.
    Has anyone gotten it working according to or, preffered Quota/Count in combination with postfixadmin and could share some config or hints?


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