Aaron Luchko - 2007-12-07

I've posted a new release candidate and a new snapshot of the development branch. Aside from fixes there is a new feature present in both which will make it much easier for people testing multiple databases/version, if you supply the argument --propLoc to the vm you can specify the location of the properties file which will be used. Most likely you'd make this change by editing lib/launcher.posper.xml and lib/launcher.config.xml

in the section
        <application class="org.posper.gui.panels.JFrmTPV" method="main">
                <argument value="--logToFile"/>

add another argument like
        <application class="org.posper.gui.panels.JFrmTPV" method="main">
                <argument value="--logToFile"/>
                <argument value="--propLoc=/home/aluchko/posper-devel-postgresql.properties"/>

This will tell posper to use the properties file /home/aluchko/posper-devel-postgresql.properties which I have specifically for a 0.61 database running on postgresql. I could give another install an argument of /home/aluchko/posper-0.60-hsqldb.properties and configure that properties file for a 0.60 hsqldb database and the two installs wouldn't interfere with each other.