
Portman PC/P w/leds

  • David Sommerseth


    It's great to that at least someone wants to write drivers for MIDI equipments too ;-)

    I do have a Portman PC/P MIDI interface ... do you know if it would be difficult to port your PC/S interface to the PC/P ???  If it's not to hard I can help you rewriting it.

    Do you know about anyone who has done this ?
    (PC/P is the parallel port version of the PC/S in case you didn't know that)
    If you have some ideas, comments or what ever!  Please mail me quickly ;-)


    David S.

    • stephane angibeaud

      Hi there,

      i just noticed this developpement, and also have a PC/P hardware, that that i can't have work under linux.

      Count me in if you intend something

      Stephane <>

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I have the same problem, is there any news about that.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi, I am also really anxious to get linux drivers for my pc/p. It's the only reason I still use windows.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hello All ,

      the pc/p driver version is for parallel port and my driver is for serial port.

      i don't know the communication protocol :(


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