
UDP forwarding to TCP

  • Florent MASSON

    Florent MASSON - 2001-06-06

    Is it possible to forward incoming UDP packets to a remote TCP server ? (or vice-versa)

    If no, don't you think it would be a good idea ?

    'cause I need it ;-)

    • Everton da Silva Marques

      No, it is not possible.

      If you need it, yes, could be useful.

      Does anyone want to implement it? ;)

      Of course, I can provide guidance.

    • Aaron

      Aaron - 2005-10-05

      Yeah, that will be great instead go thur a full app like openvpn.

    • Nick Matteo

      Nick Matteo - 2006-09-14

      Netcat will do this --
      nc -l -u -p <incoming port> | nc <remote-server> <remote-port>


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