
Portable AllegroServe(tm) / News: Recent posts

New release 1.2.35

Well, after too much time, I decided to release the current CVS version -- it may not be perfect, but it has a much better chance of working than the last release, and visible project activity will encourage bug reports (he says, hopefully).

Posted by Rudi Schlatte 2004-02-29

New release 1.2.12c

Hi folks,

This has been sitting in CVS for a long time... Jochen merged a new upstream version of AllegroServe and John DeSoi contributed a port to OpenMCL.

Thanks everyone!

Posted by Rudi Schlatte 2002-06-03

New Release (1.2.3b)

You can download the new release from


Posted by Jochen Schmidt 2001-08-10