Activity for PortaBase

  • Jeremy Bowman Jeremy Bowman posted a comment on ticket #65

    Quick note, that was me posting...I forgot to log in first.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #65

    A couple of years ago I did most of the work to make a new PortaBase release (including building with a newer version of Qt that fixes some macOS issues), but got overwhelmed by other life demands before I could finish it. This issue finally prompted me to make an automated build process for release packages, which is still in progress at . At the bottom of there's a "macos-12-installer"...

  • Anonymous created ticket #65

    Crashes on macos

  • Jeremy Bowman Jeremy Bowman posted a comment on ticket #64

    Good catch, it looks like I missed checking that a click on the header row actually maps to a valid column; clicking in the empty space after the last column still triggers the pressed and clicked events, but with an invalid column index. That should be a fairly straightforward fix, I'll try to use it as an excuse to finally make a new release sometime by the end of the year. (It's unfortunately a nontrivial process as I need to renew expired code signing certificates, etc.)

  • Anonymous created ticket #64

    Crashs when clicking on the right empty column

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #63

    This feature is available everywhere except macOS and Android, because those platforms didn't respond well to attempting to change the font via the standard Qt framework mechanism. I haven't tried it again recently, though; probably worth trying again with the Qt 5 upgrade in place (and I still need to do the Qt 6 upgrade). Due to family obligations I have very little time to work on PortaBase these days (despise using it daily for all kinds of things), but I'll see when I can try this and get a...

  • Anonymous created ticket #63

    Font Size on MacOS

  • Jeremy Bowman Jeremy Bowman posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sorry for the late reply, my setup for monitoring SourceForge activity broke down after a move + computer migration. A "Portable Apps" version of PortaBase has been on my TODO list for years, but hasn't yet bubbled up to the top of the priorities given how little time I've had to work on it in recent years. Something like the QSettings change you pointed out would be one key part of that, another would be having a downloadable Windows binary package that doesn't need the installer. I keep looking...

  • Jeremy Bowman Jeremy Bowman posted a comment on ticket #62

    There's currently no way to change a field's type directly in the application. Instead, you can export the data to XML, edit the XML file, and then import it again. Documentation of the XML format is at . The main things are to change the appropriate "ctype" element content and change the letter used as the element name for values in the data rows, although depending on the change being made you also may need to change some filter condition operator...

  • Anonymous created ticket #62

    Editing Fields to Change from Numeric to Alphabetical

  • Jeremy Bowman Jeremy Bowman modified ticket #61

    Can PortaBase provide a card payment function like "Stripe"?

  • Jeremy Bowman Jeremy Bowman posted a comment on ticket #61

    Hmm, this feels pretty clearly out of scope. PortaBase currently has no networking capability or authentication functionality. For something like this, it probably makes more sense to use a web application which allows users to pay in order to get download access to particular database files.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #61

    Can PortaBase have a function that allows a public user of the Database to make a card payment for using the Database?, similar to "stripe" card payment function.

  • Anonymous created ticket #61

    Can PortaBase provide a card payment function like "Stripe"?

  • fluxtion fluxtion modified a comment on discussion Help

    I'm pretty sure the answer is no because the use of QSettings defaults to the registry, but is there any existing way to use Portabase portably across different Windows computers? I just wanted to make sure. If not, I might actually hack the feature in myself. QSettings seems to be a very simple class and I think that getting it working on Windows may be as simple as (though this would potentially break cross platform without a simple OS conditional): QSettings *settings = new QSettings("portabase.ini",...

  • fluxtion fluxtion modified a comment on discussion Help

    I'm pretty sure the answer is no because the use of QSettings defaults to the registry, but is there any existing way to use Portabase portably across different Windows computers? I just wanted to make sure. If not, I might actually hack the feature in myself. QSettings seems to be a very simple class and I think that getting it working on Windows may be as simple as (though this would potentially break cross platform without a simple OS conditional): QSettings *settings = new QSettings("portabase.ini",...

  • fluxtion fluxtion modified a comment on discussion Help

    I'm pretty sure the answer is no because the use of QSettings defaults to the registry, but is there any existing way to use Portabase portably across different Windows computers? I just wanted to make sure. If not, I might actually hack the feature in myself. QSettings seems to be a very simple class and I think that getting it working on Windows may be as simple as (though this would potentially break cross platform without a simple OS conditional): QSettings *settings = new QSettings("portabase.ini",...

  • fluxtion fluxtion modified a comment on discussion Help

    I'm pretty sure the answer is no because the use of QSettings defaults to the registry, but is there any existing way to use Portabase portably across different Windows computers? I just wanted to make sure. If not, I might actually hack the feature in myself. QSettings seems to be a very simple class and I think that getting it working on Windows may be as simple as (though this would potentially break cross platform without a simple OS test): QSettings *settings = new QSettings("portabase.ini",...

  • fluxtion fluxtion modified a comment on discussion Help


  • fluxtion fluxtion modified a comment on discussion Help

    I'm pretty sure the answer is no because the use of QSettings defaults to the registry, but is there any existing way to use Portabase portably across different Windows computers? I just wanted to make sure. If not, I might actually hack the feature in myself. QSettings seems to be a very simple class and I think that getting it working on Windows may be as simple as (though this would potentially break cross platform without a simple OS test): QSettings *settings = new QSettings("portabase.ini",...

  • fluxtion fluxtion modified a comment on discussion Help

    I'm pretty sure the answer is no because the use of QSettings defaults to the registry, but is there any existing way to use Portabase portably across different Windows computers? I just wanted to make sure. If not, I might actually hack the feature in myself. QSettings seems to be a very simple class and I think that getting it working on Windows may be as simple as (though this would potentially break cross platform without a simple OS test): QSettings *settings = new QSettings("portabase.ini",...

  • fluxtion fluxtion modified a comment on discussion Help

    I'm pretty sure the answer is no because the use of QSettings defaults to the registry, but is there any existing way to use Portabase portably across different Windows computers? I just wanted to make sure. If not, I might actually hack the feature in myself. QSettings seems to be a very elegant class and I think that getting it working on Windows may be as simple as (though this would potentially break cross platform without a simple OS test): QSettings *settings = new QSettings("portabase.ini",...

  • fluxtion fluxtion posted a comment on discussion Help

    (Actually it's probably UTF-16 by default if the registry is involved!)

  • fluxtion fluxtion posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm pretty sure the answer is no because the use of QSettings defaults to the registry, but is there any existing way to use Portabase "portably" across different computers? I just wanted to make sure. If not, I might actually hack the feature in myself. QSettings seems to be a very elegant class and I think that getting it working on Windows may be as simple as (though this would potentially break cross platform without a simple OS test): QSettings *settings = new QSettings("portabase.ini", QSettings::IniFormat);...

  • Jeremy Bowman Jeremy Bowman modified ticket #48

    to ID: 3019165

  • Jeremy Bowman Jeremy Bowman posted a comment on ticket #48

    I presume this is for ("Crash while...

  • Jeremy Bowman Jeremy Bowman modified ticket #47

    Crash while trying to edit a row on N900

  • Jeremy Bowman Jeremy Bowman posted a comment on ticket #47

    I never did receive a test case for this or manage to reproduce it, so closing until/unless...

  • Gregory D. MELLOTT Gregory D. MELLOTT modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    What are the things that hang up refinements? My guess from your SQL-like statement...

  • Gregory D. MELLOTT Gregory D. MELLOTT modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    What are the things that hang up refinements? My guess from your SQL-like statement...

  • Gregory D. MELLOTT Gregory D. MELLOTT modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    What are the things that hang up refinements? My guess from your SQL-like statement...

  • Gregory D. MELLOTT Gregory D. MELLOTT modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    What are the things that hang up refinements? My guess from your SQL-like statement...

  • Gregory D. MELLOTT Gregory D. MELLOTT posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    What are the things that hang up refinements? My guess from your SQL-like statement...

  • Jeremy Bowman Jeremy Bowman posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello! PortaBase uses a library called Metakit to handle the underlying storage of...

  • Gregory D. MELLOTT Gregory D. MELLOTT posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I'm very happy to see there is a simple free db program that has a reasonable...

  • GitHub committed [e0ea49]

    Merge pull request #15 from jmbowman/fullscreen...

  • Jeremy Bowman committed [f81235]

    Better slideshow mode

  • Gregory D. MELLOTT Gregory D. MELLOTT posted a comment on ticket #15

    It is at least presently possible to open PortaBase more than once and thereafter...

  • Jeremy Bowman committed [fb50ea]

    Remember more recent files

  • Jeremy Bowman committed [9fc8d7]

    Remove image resolution limit

  • Jeremy Bowman committed [4790bc]

    Better image fullscreen mode

  • GitHub committed [42e91e]

    Merge pull request #13 from jmbowman/more_recen...

  • GitHub committed [5a3601]

    Merge pull request #12 from jmbowman/readme_update

  • GitHub committed [562687]

    Merge pull request #14 from jmbowman/larger_images

  • GitHub committed [d609eb]

    Merge pull request #8 from jmbowman/android_port

  • Jeremy Bowman committed [84af7d]

    README improvements

  • Jeremy Bowman committed [804b02]

    Dynamically update fullscreen action text

  • GitHub committed [98619a]

    Merge pull request #9 from jmbowman/doxygen_update

  • Jeremy Bowman committed [81a039]

    Update source code documentation

  • GitHub committed [8235b1]

    Merge pull request #10 from jmbowman/exit_fulls...

  • Jeremy Bowman committed [7e5588]

    Add Android port

  • GitHub committed [64011e]

    Merge pull request #7 from jmbowman/metakit_upg...

  • Jeremy Bowman committed [4c36d2]

    Add Android port

  • Jeremy Bowman committed [7725f3]

    More translation file updates

  • Jeremy Bowman committed [491ccb]

    Finished optional import of new enum options fr...

  • GitHub committed [379803]

    Merge pull request #6 from jmbowman/more_transl...

  • Jeremy Bowman committed [c2d454]

    Upgrade Metakit to

  • GitHub committed [b8d689]

    Merge pull request #4 from jmbowman/row_colors

  • GitHub committed [386cac]

    Merge pull request #5 from jmbowman/csv_enums

  • Reuben Thomas Reuben Thomas posted a comment on ticket #60

    On 12 January 2017 at 05:15, Jeremy Bowman wrote: I've checked...

  • Jeremy Bowman Jeremy Bowman posted a comment on ticket #60

    I've checked in fixes for the row color related issues, implementation details are...

  • Jeremy Bowman committed [db2802]

    Added Italian UI translation, updated translati...

  • GitHub committed [c3c617]

    Merge pull request #3 from jmbowman/translation...

  • Jeremy Bowman committed [ceb5bf]

    Better alternating row color defaults

  • GitHub committed [56ad23]

    Merge pull request #2 from jmbowman/qt5

  • Jeremy Bowman committed [764682]

    Added Qt 5 support, native Mac toolbar

  • Jeremy Bowman Jeremy Bowman committed [35845d]

    Merge pull request #1 from jmbowman/src_move

  • Jeremy Bowman committed [fc4b17]

    Clean up issues reported by cppcheck

  • Jeremy Bowman committed [6c9df5]

    Automate and fix Maemo Fremantle builds

  • Reuben Thomas Reuben Thomas posted a comment on ticket #60

    I'm happy to test upcoming versions, as I'm still very much interested in Portabase...

  • Jeremy Bowman Jeremy Bowman posted a comment on ticket #60

    You're right, the row shading colors should default to the theme colors for them....

  • Reuben Thomas Reuben Thomas posted a comment on ticket #60

    Also, the row colours in the Row Viewer don't seem to be fully affected by the preference:...

  • Reuben Thomas Reuben Thomas posted a comment on ticket #60

    I realise this can be fixed in the preferences. I guess it would be nice if the default...

  • Reuben Thomas Reuben Thomas created ticket #60

    Hard to read with light-on-dark colour scheme

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #59

    Sorry for the delay in replying, I started a new job recently so I've been a little...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #59

    Ok so I need a database running on my system so I am moving on. Too bad it was a...

  • Russell Deible Russell Deible created ticket #59

    No longer works on Mac

  • Jeremy Bowman committed [5fd8cb]

    Move source code under src directory

  • Jeremy Bowman committed [6cde74]

    Replace usage of deprecated QDate.setYMD() with...

  • Jeremy Bowman committed [b281b1]

    Fix bugs in handling of new src dir

  • Jeremy Bowman committed [e34633]

    Added Diablo build script using VM

  • Jeremy Bowman Jeremy Bowman posted a comment on ticket #58

    This is actually normal for the underlying database format (MetaKit) used by PortaBase....

  • Anonymous created ticket #58

    Deleted Information not deleting from base when resave

  • Dan Dan posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Any prospect of a port to Android? Personally I'd be happy with a way to simply...

  • Jeremy Bowman Jeremy Bowman modified ticket #55

    notes copy/paste problem

  • Reuben Thomas Reuben Thomas posted a comment on ticket #55

    Sorry, that was me posting as anonymous! Still a happy user, with my one database...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #55

    Time to close this as promised nearly two years ago?!

  • Johann Halmarius Johann Halmarius modified a comment on ticket #47

    Hi, N900 crashed because of low battery while a portabase file was open. The file...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on ticket #47

    Hi, N900 crashed because of low battery while a portabase file was open. The file...