
Clean Child PPP

  • ubuntutemp

    ubuntutemp - 2007-07-25


    I installed a Debian-based server w/ PoPToP...

    Several shops connect from outside via VPN connections setup in a Netopia modem/router present in the shops...

    All connections works perfectly...

    Meanwhile, a problem persists :

    1) If i disconnect manually the vpn connection from outside : the ppp connection on server-side disconnects automatically w/ a "Reaping child ppp" message in /var/log/debug...all is clean...

    2) If i reboot the distant Netopia : it disconnects cleanly the same way as before..

    3) But when a WAN disconnection appears (i've tested client side but it have to be the same for server-side) : the ppp connection server-side "keeps alive" in server side...a few seconds later, when WAN goes up : the pppX+1 connection goes up once more w/ the previous connection always "active"...But all this fucks up the vpn connection because no more route / ping functions correctly...

    So, i wanna know if there is a script/command to have an automatic ppp cleaning for this situations....

    Thank you for your answers...



    • ubuntutemp

      ubuntutemp - 2007-07-26


      I've found the solution...

      I had

      lcp-echo-failure 0
      maxfail 0

      in my pptpd-options...

      So it forced the vpn connections to be persistent...

      With LCP control i managed to have ppp connections cleaned correctly...

      By the way, do you know the "correct" lcp-echo-failure / lcp-echo-interval values for a vpn server w/ ~ 60 vpn connections...

      I ask it because i don't want to fuck up my bandwith w/ severel lcp controls...

      Thank oy very much...


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