
project still active?

  • Mitchell Deoudes

    Is this project still active?  I've been trying to use Pop2Owa on Windows 7, but it just crashes when I connect to it from Thunderbird.

  • Carlos Garces

    Carlos Garces - 2011-04-20


    The project works for me (I use it daily at work) so I not have plans for new features, but I can made new versions with bug fixing with the feedback of other users with different configurations than my current one (Windows XP).

    1-Have you installed .NET 3.5 in your computer?
    2-Can you change the trace level from NLog.config to "Trace" and send me a private mensage with the log?
            <logger name="*" minlevel="Trace" writeTo="file"/>

    Un saludo
    Carlos Garcés

  • tröt

    tröt - 2011-09-23


    I try to use pop2owa, but always get timeout from outlook express.
    It always takes really long for the authentication window to pop up. I always get a timeout warning from outlook express and i choose to keep waiting.

    This is the log file:

    2011-09-23 16:07:06.2500 Pop2Owa.MainForm..ctor Calling InitializeComponent 
    2011-09-23 16:07:06.3437 Pop2Owa.MainForm..ctor Setting combos 
    2011-09-23 16:07:06.3437 Pop2Owa.MainForm..ctor Calling LoadConfig 
    2011-09-23 16:07:06.3593 Pop2Owa.MainForm..ctor Setting sokects [\quote]
    2011-09-23 16:07:13.0468 Pop2Owa.POP3Listener.OnDataArrival USER ######
    2011-09-23 16:07:13.1093 Pop2Owa.POP3Listener.OnDataArrival PASS 
    2011-09-23 16:07:13.1406 Pop2Owa.EWSWrapper.SyncData Attemp to conect to 
    2011-09-23 16:07:13.1718 Pop2Owa.EWSWrapper.SyncData Start findResults 
    2011-09-23 16:07:13.1718 Pop2Owa.EWSWrapper.SyncData looping 
    2011-09-23 16:08:53.2968 Pop2Owa.EWSWrapper.SyncData Error connecting to the server System.Net.WebException: Timeout für Vorgang überschritten
       bei System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)
       bei System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
       bei Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ServiceRequestBase.Emit()
       bei Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ServiceRequestBase.InternalExecute()
  • Carlos Garces

    Carlos Garces - 2011-09-23

    The url used to connect looks incorrect
    instead of  should be something like

  • tröt

    tröt - 2011-09-28

    I tthe one you gave me, but that dind't work either…
    Will have to wait until our IT-guy is back.
    thanks anyway!


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