
#48 Exception with `telnet localhost 110`


¡Hola Carlos!

I am trying to set up this program, and I am getting unexpected errors. So I tried with the more barebones I can use, i.e. telnet localhost 110, but the result is worse: I get the "+OK POP3 server ready" invite, but when I press any key in the telnet window, the program ends up abruptly with unhandled exception 5.

I attached what I believe are the relevant debugging aids:
- I am using pop2owa v.1.36, straight from SF (the behaviour is the same with 1.22), running on Win2000 workstation
- config.xml is the default one with only one change: I changed the scheme from https: to http:
- as far as I know there is nothing special with my telnet program, and it certainly works with any other POP3 server I can test
- running with or without being member of the Admins group does change anything (I usually run as non-Admin)
- I ran pop2owa.exe -v 3
- the logfile is attached (it won't help you much)
- %windir%/Debug/UserMode/usermode.log is attached; it says there is a problem with "RegisterGPNotification: CreateEvent"
- I tried under WinDbg as well, so I attached the bare session log, and also the stack trace just after the exception is raised: the bottom line is that the offense comes from pop2owa+0x1b452


  • Antoine LECA

    Antoine LECA - 2008-12-12

    logfile for pop2owa

  • Antoine LECA

    Antoine LECA - 2008-12-12

    WinDbg session log

  • Antoine LECA

    Antoine LECA - 2008-12-12

    File Added: WinDBG.TXT

  • Antoine LECA

    Antoine LECA - 2008-12-12

    File Added: StackTrace.TXT

  • Antoine LECA

    Antoine LECA - 2008-12-12

    stack trace

  • Carlos Garces

    Carlos Garces - 2008-12-12

    Very interesting... but I can't reproduce the error.
    I not use WinDbg :( and I don't know how I can't help you. Maybe you can help me with a little how to.
    PDB file from compiled .EXE can help you?.

    I'll compile a new version of pop2owa with more info at pop2owa.log that maybe help you. Wait 3 hours (I'm at work)

    Un saludo
    Carlos Garcés

  • Carlos Garces

    Carlos Garces - 2008-12-12
    • assigned_to: nobody --> idcarlos
    • labels: --> Incoming Mails
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Antoine LECA

    Antoine LECA - 2008-12-12

    Two thingies:
    - yes, with the PDB the stack trace would be easier to read...;
    - the stuff about usermode.log is unrelated, forget about it.

    Since I wrote I noticed 2038780 (, are they duplicates?
    ¿Did you try the telnet under Win2000?
    I realize chances are you have no informations since August from "nobody" and the best way to handle 2038780 might be to close the case...
    Anyway, this afternoon I'll test under XP when I get a moment to do it.

  • Antoine LECA

    Antoine LECA - 2008-12-12

    Two thingies:
    - yes, with the PDB the stack trace would be easier to read...;
    - the stuff about usermode.log is unrelated, forget about it.

    Since I wrote I noticed 2038780 (, are they duplicates?
    ¿Did you try the telnet under Win2000?
    I realize chances are you have no informations since August from "nobody" and the best way to handle 2038780 might be to close the case...
    Anyway, this afternoon I'll test under XP when I get a moment to do it.

  • Carlos Garces

    Carlos Garces - 2008-12-12


    I have added exe and pdb file.
    Send me a private message to help me with windgb and StackTrace.TXT, I don't know who use it

  • Antoine LECA

    Antoine LECA - 2008-12-16

    Thanks for the .PDB, and sorry for the delay before answering.
    According to the .PDB, the problem seems to occurs in
    pop2owa!CSocketMaster::WndProc+0x62 [C:\Desarrollo\pop2owa\CSocketMaster.cls @ 171]

    If I get a look at the code, I end near

    Public Sub WndProc(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long)
    Select Case uMsg
    PostResolution wParam, HiWord(lParam)
    PostSocket LoWord(lParam), HiWord(lParam)
    End Select
    End Sub

    ... looks like the window handler of the socket receives a unexpected message.

  • Carlos Garces

    Carlos Garces - 2008-12-16
    • status: open-accepted --> pending-works-for-me
  • Carlos Garces

    Carlos Garces - 2008-12-16


    Please check the new attached file. Maybe fix your problem

    Un saludo
    Carlos Garcés

  • Antoine LECA

    Antoine LECA - 2008-12-17
    • status: pending-works-for-me --> open-works-for-me
  • Antoine LECA

    Antoine LECA - 2008-12-17

    Sorry, I do not see any change (still under Win2000, since last week I did not have a moment to test it under XP).

  • Carlos Garces

    Carlos Garces - 2008-12-17


    Now I understand the bug.
    Telnet send each char typed... email clients send the commands as entire string.
    The bug is confirmed, but postponed... I need to implement one buffer to store the chars send before CRLF char... but I need time lo test it.

    You can see the pop3 commands using the log features of you email client or installing a small email client for testing, I use

    Un saludo
    Carlos Garcés

  • Carlos Garces

    Carlos Garces - 2008-12-17
    • priority: 5 --> 2
    • status: open-works-for-me --> open-postponed
  • Antoine LECA

    Antoine LECA - 2008-12-18

    Okay, look like reasonable to postpone it and decrease priority; now I need to seek another way to check why POP2OWA does not work on the first place with my machine...

    Thanks for the quick reaction.

  • Antoine LECA

    Antoine LECA - 2008-12-18

    Changed the title to making it more clear.

  • Antoine LECA

    Antoine LECA - 2008-12-18
    • summary: Exception while connecting --> Exception with telnet localhost 110
  • Carlos Garces

    Carlos Garces - 2008-12-27


    Please test the compiled version attached, it should work.
    Server state not is implemented (should be implemented), and QUIT command disconnect from server and force to close the Telnet session (my pop3 serve don't do it).

    Un saludo
    Carlos Garcés

  • Carlos Garces

    Carlos Garces - 2008-12-27

    Pop2owa develop version


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