
Feature Requests  Maximize  Restore

Showing 16 results of 16

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated
16 Extraction None open 2009-08-23 2009-08-23  
15 Total number of records None open 2009-08-23 2009-08-23  
14 Auditing None open 2009-08-23 2009-08-23  
13 Highlight erroneous records None open 2009-08-23 2009-08-23  
12 Export None open 2009-08-23 2009-08-23  
11 Merging None open 2009-08-23 2009-08-23  
10 Sorting/Filtering None open 2009-08-23 2009-08-23  
9 calculate risk index None open 2009-08-23 2009-08-23  
8 multiple files in same model None open 2009-08-23 2009-08-23  
7 calulate complexity index None open 2009-08-23 2009-08-23  
6 to find security options of a ss None open 2009-08-23 2009-08-23  
5 to find formulas in ss None open 2009-08-23 2009-08-23  
4 to find number of worksheets None open 2009-08-23 2009-08-23  
3 to find details of macros in ss None open 2009-08-23 2009-08-23  
2 dashboard to report results of analysis None open 2009-08-23 2009-08-23  
1 handle multiple types of spreadsheet files None open 2009-08-23 2009-08-23  
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