
Error in mailer_helpers.php

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I've just installed PR9.2.1, everything seems OK in the setup. However, when somone tries to subscribe I get the message "An error occured at line24 of...\bmail\inc\mailer_helpers.php - Bad values sent to bmSendConfirmation()". I'm not a programmer - can anyone suggest how to resolve this? Thanks!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I have the same problem...

    • bering

      bering - 2006-03-30

      An I've with both PHP-mailer and with and SMTP mailer

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yes, I've now tried this with both Sendmail and SMTP and get exactly the same error message. Can't seem to get any further with this.

      • bering

        bering - 2006-03-30

        I suspect someone has it working. There must be some sort of fix.

    • Brice Burgess

      Brice Burgess - 2006-03-30

      I'm back from "vacation".

        I've tried to reproduce this error, and am unable to so far. I do have some ideas however...

        A) are you using the generated subscribe form?
        B) is the subscriber being added to the pending table?
        To check this, use PHPMyAdmin to view your bMail database, then "browse" the PENDING table. If you see the email added to the pending table.. is there a confirmation code (something like "e65d8d36b689cdd3acd8980c631d2ce9")?


        ~ Brice

        Could you check to see if the subscriber to be added is

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Brice!
      To answer your queries:
      (1) yes, i'm using the generated ubscribe form
      (2) yes, the subscriber is being added to the pending table (code generated was b5ee96f341dd489e7c1db94ab5ddf425)


    • Brice Burgess

      Brice Burgess - 2006-03-31

      I've attached a file to bug #52:

      Please follow instructions and post on the flyspray page (not this forum).


      ~ Brice

    • bering

      bering - 2006-04-02

      Hi Brice
      That links doesn't go anywhere...

    • Brice Burgess

      Brice Burgess - 2006-04-02

      copy & paste the link. Sourceforge didn't include the trailing ;id=52   in the parsing of it....

    • bering

      bering - 2006-04-02

      Sorry, should have been more precise. The whole link doesn't work. Gives the following message:

      "Flyspray cannot provide the page you requested. Perhaps you requested a task that does not exist, or you do not have permission to view the page you wanted.

      You may have tried to use a naughty URL to interact with the database backend using SQL injection. If this is true, go to the corner and think about your actions. When you return, please do not do it again!"

    • bering

      bering - 2006-04-02

      Wait, I just tried doing everything again. Now it works!


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