
#1770 new child of small vegetative cells


You can get small vegetative cells by other means (i.e certain growth conditions cells are smaller and viable),

so can we have

viable small vegetative cell with premature mitosis
(analogous to the elongated cells with interphase block)

with relations to
premature mitosis
viable small vegetative cell
which mean annotations would propagate to both of these from the new term.

(the only gene currently annotated to both is cdc25, so when this is available we should revisit the annotations and see which can move to the new term)


  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2014-09-17

    need to review def of premature mitosis
    wee will be syn of new term

    • Midori Harris

      Midori Harris - 2014-09-18

      clarification for self: just being smaller than wt isn't sufficient to call mitosis "premature"; Val will try to pin down criteria for premature

  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2014-09-17

    I had another note about this,
    FYPO enter mitosis at reduced length (cdc2 wee1)
    perhaps a synonym?

  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2014-09-19

    FACS analysis revealed the
    presence of a significant G1 population at 19°C, consistent with
    the reduced division size (Fig. 3).
    PMID: 10462526
    seems to be consistent with something I read earlier today.
    We'll discuss later....

  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2014-09-19


    so if you have both
    mitotic G1/S transition delay
    viable small vegetative cell

    you have
    viable small vegetative cell with premature mitosis (wee)
    which seems counterintuitive, but I think these cells might be small when they enter the cell cycle and never catch up. I remember Jacky saying something about this. Will look into it some more.

  • Midori Harris

    Midori Harris - 2014-10-14

    fussy point re this bit of the original request:

    (i.e certain growth conditions cells are smaller and viable)

    we should only annotate a phenotype if mutant cells are smaller than wild type under the same conditions; if both wt and mutant are smaller under condition x than under condition y, but are the same size as each other, don't annotate that as small cells.

  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2014-10-14

    OK good point. Just not confident there there are no other cases of small cell phenotypes (during quiescence for e.g.)

  • Midori Harris

    Midori Harris - 2014-10-14

    Is it worth waiting for the "premature mitosis" criteria before I do anything with this one? Once we can define premature mitosis better, it'll be a lot clearer what the difference is between just plain "small" and "small plus premature mitosis".

  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2014-10-15

    Yeah, everything I can think of my reasoning is circular.

  • Valerie Wood

    Valerie Wood - 2016-02-09

    I'm not sure where we got to with this but can you remind me why this isn't possible:

    viable small vegetative cell with premature mitosis
    A cellular process phenotype in which cells enter mitosis earlier, relative to cell size than normal.

    (Val to do, once we have a term which is an exact synonym of 'wee', migrate all wee phenotype to this term)

  • Midori Harris

    Midori Harris - 2016-02-09

    This is one of the tickets that didn't make the move to GitHub. Please open a ticket there if you have questions or need further action now.