
Splitting polygons with split lines?

  • Thomas

    Thomas - 2012-07-07


    Just started using this library, and so far it looks awesome! One thing that I
    haven't figured out yet, is how to split polygons with a line, or polyline. Is
    that even possible? It crossed my mind to make a closed loop of the split
    line, big enough to guarantee inclusion of half the polygon that needs
    splitting, but it seemed overly complicated. Is there an easier way?


  • Angus Johnson

    Angus Johnson - 2012-07-08

    It's not possible to use lines or polylines to clip polygons. However, as a
    workaround, you could convert a line/polyline into a polygon before clipping.

  • Lord Helmchen

    Lord Helmchen - 2015-09-28

    This would indeed be a nice feature useful for GIS applications. It should be possible to do this after the intersection calculation by walking the closed polygons clockwise starting and ending at an intersection with a line. If you come a cross another intersection with a line, follow it right/left (depending on polygon orientation) and mark it as visited. Then back at the start, continue with the next unvisited intersection between a polygon and a line.

    If this shall not be a part of clipper, then it should be possible to get the nescessary intersection information from the ZFillFuntion. Exposing the Edges and Path information directly would be a bit easier though saving reimplementation.

  • Lord Helmchen

    Lord Helmchen - 2015-10-01

    Here is some code that works for my simple test cases. It can split a polygon with a line. It should work with more than one line, but I did not test it. It is not efficient and could be optimized easily with more access to Clippers internals, but I just needed a quick hack to split Google Earth KML-Polygons. (The program will be open source in as soon as it is somewhat usable.)
    Updated it with better working code.

    using ClipperLib;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Windows;
    using System.Windows.Media;
    namespace KmlEdit
        public class Clipping
            public IList<KmlShape> Union(IEnumerable<KmlShape> list)
                Clipper clipper = new Clipper();
                IList<KmlShape> ret = new List<KmlShape>();
                foreach (KmlShape ks in list)
                    var path = ks.Points.Select(p => new IntPoint(p.X * 10000, p.Y * 10000)).ToList();
                    clipper.AddPath(path, (ks.ShapeType == ShapeType.Polyline) ? PolyType.ptSubject : PolyType.ptClip, (ks.ShapeType == ShapeType.Polyline) ? false : true);
                PolyTree result = new PolyTree();
                clipper.Execute(ClipType.ctUnion, result, PolyFillType.pftNonZero, PolyFillType.pftNonZero);
                PolyNode n = result;
                while (n != null)
                    var path = n.Contour.Select(p => new Point(p.X / 10000.0, p.Y / 10000.0));
                    var ks = new KmlShape(new PointCollection(path), n.IsOpen ? ShapeType.Polyline : ShapeType.Polygon, "Unionresult");
                    n = n.GetNext();
                return ret;
            List<bool> isclosed;
            List<List<IntPoint>> paths;
            class Intersection
                public IntPoint bot1;
                public IntPoint top1;
                public IntPoint bot2;
                public IntPoint top2;
                public IntPoint pt;
                //public int visited = 0;
                public IntPoint[] GetEdgeWithZ(long pathZ)
                    if (top1.Z == pathZ)
                        return new IntPoint[] { bot1, top1 };
                    if (top2.Z == pathZ)
                        return new IntPoint[] { bot2, top2 };
                    return null;
                public IntPoint[] GetEdgeWithOtherZ(long pathZ)
                    if (top1.Z != pathZ)
                        return new IntPoint[] { bot1, top1 };
                    if (top2.Z != pathZ)
                        return new IntPoint[] { bot2, top2 };
                    return null;
            private List<Intersection> intersections = new List<Intersection>();
            public void ZFillCallback(IntPoint bot1, IntPoint top1,
            IntPoint bot2, IntPoint top2, ref IntPoint pt)
                intersections.Add(new Intersection() { bot1 = bot1, top1 = top1, bot2 = bot2, top2 = top2, pt = pt });
            public IList<KmlShape> SplitPolygonsWithLines(IEnumerable<KmlShape> list)
                Clipper clipper = new Clipper();
                clipper.ZFillFunction = ZFillCallback;
                paths = new List<List<IntPoint>>();
                isclosed = new List<bool>();
                List<bool> isclockwise = new List<bool>();
                int i = 0;
                foreach (KmlShape ks in list)
                    var path = ks.Points.Select(p => new IntPoint(p.X * 10000, p.Y * 10000, i)).ToList();
                    isclosed.Add(ks.ShapeType == ShapeType.Polygon);
                    if (!isclosed[i - 1])
                    clipper.AddPath(path, (ks.ShapeType == ShapeType.Polyline) ? PolyType.ptSubject : PolyType.ptClip, (ks.ShapeType == ShapeType.Polyline) ? false : true);
                PolyTree result = new PolyTree();
                clipper.Execute(ClipType.ctIntersection, result, PolyFillType.pftNonZero, PolyFillType.pftNonZero);
                List<List<IntPoint>> results = new List<List<IntPoint>>();
                for (int direction = 1; direction <= 2; direction++)
                    foreach (var p in intersections)
                        // für jeden Kreuzungspunkt das zugehörige geschlossene polygon umlaufen, an jeder intersection abbiegen, bis wir wieder hier angekommen sind.
                        var pathIndex1 = (int)p.top1.Z - 1;
                        var pathIndex2 = (int)p.top2.Z - 1;
                        long pathZ = 0;
                        if (isclosed[pathIndex1])
                            pathZ = p.top1.Z;
                        else if (isclosed[pathIndex2])
                            pathZ = p.top2.Z;
                            //skip when neither is a poylgon
                        //skip when neither is a line
                        if (isclosed[pathIndex2] && isclosed[pathIndex1])
                        //starting and end point
                        IntPoint start =;
                        var closedEdge = p.GetEdgeWithZ(pathZ);
                        if (closedEdge == null)
                        IntPoint current = closedEdge[0];
                        var path = paths[(int)pathZ - 1];
                        int ci = path.IndexOf(current), ni = path.IndexOf(closedEdge[1]);
                        if ((ci > ni || (ci == path.Count-1 && ni == 0)) == (direction == 1))
                            current = closedEdge[1];
                        var nextPathZ = p.GetEdgeWithOtherZ(pathZ)[0].Z;
                        var r = WalkPath(p, current, nextPathZ, direction, start, isclockwise[(int)pathZ - 1] & (direction == 1));
                        if (r != null)
                            r.Insert(0, start);
                IList<KmlShape> ret = new List<KmlShape>();
                i = 0;
                foreach (var c in results)
                    KmlShape ks = new KmlShape(
                        new PointCollection(c.Select(p => new Point(p.X / 10000.0, p.Y / 10000.0))),
                        String.Format("Result {0}", i));
                return ret;
            List<IntPoint> WalkPath(Intersection intersection, IntPoint lastPoint, long pathZ, int direction, IntPoint startEndPoint, bool walkclockwise)
                var currentEdge = intersection.GetEdgeWithZ(pathZ);
                var prevEdge = intersection.GetEdgeWithOtherZ(pathZ);
                //use last point to get the edges orientation
                if (prevEdge[0] != lastPoint)
                    prevEdge[1] = prevEdge[0];
                    prevEdge[0] = lastPoint;
                var path = paths[(int)pathZ - 1];
                //product between edges + isclockwise + direction to determine which way is correct
                IntPoint current, next;
                int incr;
                var rad = AngleBetween(prevEdge, currentEdge);
                if ((rad < 0 == walkclockwise)) // rad < 0 : path goes left, rad > 0 path goes right (follow it right, when clockwise, else go left)
                    current = currentEdge[0]; //dont' switch
                    next = currentEdge[1];
                    current = currentEdge[1]; //switch
                    next = currentEdge[0];
                var ci = path.IndexOf(current);
                    var ni = path.IndexOf(next);
                    if (ci == path.Count - 1 && ni == 0)
                        incr = 1;
                    else if (ni == path.Count - 1 && ci == 0)
                        incr = -1;
                        incr = ni - ci;
                    //discard ni from here on and just use ci as counter
                    ci = ni;
                //assume the intersection as lastPoint, since we want to know the distance from there
                lastPoint =;
                List<IntPoint> result = new List<IntPoint>();
                //while not at path end (or start depending on direction) ...
                while (true)
                    var intersects = GetIntersections(lastPoint, current, next);
                    foreach (var ei in intersects)
                        //finished, we are back at the start
                        if ( == startEndPoint)
                            return result;
                        if (ei == intersection)
                        //just walk those paths which are either lines or from the original polygon
                        if ((startEndPoint.Z != ei.top1.Z) && (startEndPoint.Z != ei.top2.Z) && isclosed[(int)ei.top1.Z - 1] && isclosed[(int)ei.top2.Z - 1])
                        //walk intersection until we know wether it leads back to the polygon
                        var nextEdge = ei.GetEdgeWithOtherZ(pathZ);
                        var nextZ = nextEdge[0].Z;
                        var r = WalkPath(ei, current, nextZ, direction, startEndPoint, walkclockwise);
                        if (r == null)
                            return result;
                    //finished, we are back at the start
                    if (next == startEndPoint)
                        return result;
                    //continue with next vertex
                    current = next;
                    lastPoint = current;
                    //increase/decrease ci
                    ci += incr;
                    if (!isclosed[(int)pathZ - 1])
                        //dead end
                        if (ci < 0 || ci >= path.Count)
                            return null;
                        if (ci < 0)
                            ci = path.Count - 1;
                        if (ci >= path.Count)
                            ci = 0;
                    next = path[ci];
                    //loop ...
            public double AngleBetween(IntPoint[] e1, IntPoint[] e2)
                double rad = Math.Atan2(e1[1].Y - e1[0].Y, e1[1].X - e1[0].X) - Math.Atan2(e2[1].Y - e2[0].Y, e2[1].X - e2[0].X);
                if (rad > Math.PI)
                    rad -= 2 * Math.PI;
                return rad;
            public bool IsClockwise(List<IntPoint> points)
                return SignedPolygonArea(points) < 0;
            public float SignedPolygonArea(List<IntPoint> points)
                // Add the first point to the end.
                int num_points = points.Count;
                IntPoint[] pts = new IntPoint[num_points + 1];
                points.CopyTo(pts, 0);
                pts[num_points] = points[0];
                // Get the areas.
                float area = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < num_points; i++)
                    area +=
                        (pts[i].X * pts[i + 1].Y) -
                        (pts[i + 1].X * pts[i].Y) / 2;
                // Return the result.
                return area;
            IOrderedEnumerable<Intersection> GetIntersections(IntPoint intersection, IntPoint current, IntPoint next)
                var l = intersections.Where(i => (i.top1 == current && i.bot1 == next || i.top1 == next && i.bot1 == current || i.top2 == current && i.bot2 == next || i.top2 == next && i.bot2 == current));
                var m = l.Where(i => GetDirectedDistance(intersection, next, > 0).OrderBy(i => GetDirectedDistance(intersection, next,;
                return m;
            public double GetDirectedDistance(IntPoint source, IntPoint direction, IntPoint point)
                double dirx = direction.X - source.X;
                double diry = direction.Y - source.Y;
                var dy = (point.Y - source.Y) / diry;
                var dx = (point.X - source.X) / dirx;
                return (dx == 0.0) ? dy : dx;
            public double GetSqrDistance(IntPoint p1, IntPoint p2)
                return ((p1.X - p2.X) * (p1.X - p2.X) + (p1.Y - p2.Y) * (p1.Y - p2.Y));

    Last edit: Lord Helmchen 2015-10-05