
WebDesktop / News: Recent posts

webDesktop 0.2


The last time i don't have much time to work on it, but now i'am back and i'am working on the System!

webDesktop 0.2 Alpha is comming up!

webDesktop 0.1: Just a Snapshot of the Desktop Engine(Javascript/AJAX).
webDesktop 0.2: A Full Working System with Appliacations, a login and big step to a working Desktop System(Javascript/AJAX, PHP).

Login System with Usermanagment. So u can create Groups and Users.... read more

Posted by pns-richi 2007-02-27

Project news and changes...

I don't have much time to work on the Project so Ricardo is the new Manager of this Project.

I have some changes for the Project and will port it when i have the time...

lg Richi

Posted by pns-richi 2007-01-09

New Features...

We are working on a User Managment System, Login and a better Structur for the Engine. So that u(and u and u and ähm u) can install more Desktop Environments(damned hard to changes this...).

new Structure:


system/scripts/desktop_environment/default/widgets/listbox.js... read more

Posted by pns-richi 2006-09-28

WebDesktop Pre-Alpha Demo


u can view a pre-Alpha Release at -> (in the next release we would develop a new Splash - like the KDE Splash)

WARNING: Close the MDI Form, becouse the MDI is extrem buggy and will make the Engine very Slow - we will fix it! The System will run fast without an open MDI.

This Release works only with the Firefox Browser and is very buggy. We have activate all effects - so it could be slow.... read more

Posted by pns-richi 2006-09-26