
DateTime Field Requires Authenticated User

Al Lun
  • Al  Lun

    Al Lun - 2012-01-13

    I have a use case that allows anonymous users to apply to be a volunteer. I am seeing that a DateTime field like birthday seems not get persisted unless the user has been authenticated. 

    Text field types do not have that restriction.  Has anyone else seen the same problem?

    I have an example on at this link:

  • Eric Brehault

    Eric Brehault - 2012-01-16


    Yes that's correct, it is the standard behaviour.
    The DateTime field needs some javascript files.
    Those javascripts are provided by Plone, but to preserve performances, all javascript needed for editing only are not published for anonymous requests.
    If you do need to provide editing features to anonymous (and that's your case), you must enable those javascripts for anonymous.
    To do that, go to ZMI / portal_javascripts, then search for calendar_formfield.js and uncheck Restrict for authenticated users only.



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