


Welcome to the PleftDroid Wiki

Here you will find informations on:

  • how to build PleftDroid
  • how to contribute to its development
  • how to publish a custom version on Google Play

Project Admins:

Prerequisites for using PleftDroid

Access to a Pleft Server instance

Pleft is Open Source(GPLv3), you can download and install a copy from:

You then will have full control on both Server side code and client Side code.

Prerequisites for Building PleftDroid

A computer with JDK/JRE/OPENJDK 6 and a recent Eclipse installed will do.

Building PleftDroid

To build PleftDroid You will need :

To import the project in Eclipse:

  • unpack the source code in a directory of your choice
  • click on File -> New -> Project...
  • select Android -> Android Project from exixting code then press Next
  • choose the directory where you unpacked the source code and check "copy projects into workspace"
  • click on finish

Contributing code to PleftDroid

A subversion repository is going to be set up ASAP.
Meanwhile you can contribute code writing to the author.

Releasing your Customized App on Google Play

Releasing the app on Google Play is not strictly necessary.
Whether you need or not to release the app on Google Play depends on how you want to distribute your custom version of the app.
If the use is inside your organization then you can just publish a link to the .apk file.
If the intended audience is public then you should go with Google Play.

If you really want to release the app on Google Play, you will need to refactor the package name to reflect your website domain or to a package name of your choice.
The reason is that package name is used for unique identification for Android applications.
A naming clash of the package would prevent you from publishing it.

The refactoring is straightforward using eclipse, just be careful in renaming accordingly all occurrences of the old package name everywhere and not only in the Java code.

The most relevant files are the AndroidManifest.xml and