
Photons VS lightsource fall-off

  • Aron Gombas

    Aron Gombas - 2004-10-18

    Hi Okan!

    It seems that my point- and spot-lights do not really emit photons, but there is no problem with my directional lights.
    I found that in PRMan there are some restrictions, so I thought that the reason might be related to this...

    (There are currently some limitations on the distance fall-off for light sources: point light and spot lights
    must have quadratic fall-off, solar lights must have no fall-off. This is because photons from a point or
    spot light naturally spread out so that their density have a quadractic fall-off, and photons from solar
    lights are parallel so they inherently have no fall-off. We might implement a way around this in a future
    version of PRMan.)

    Do we have the same or similar limitations in Pixie?
    Could you list what conditions (if there are) must a light shader meet in order to properly co-operate with the "photon" hider?
    I couldn't find any info about it.


    • Okan Arikan

      Okan Arikan - 2004-10-18

        Hi Aron,

        The point and spotlight "illuminate" statements should cooperate with the photon hider. If they're not shooting any photons, this may be a bug. In the examples that I have these light sources emit photons. If you send me an example, I can check what's going wrong.

        Pixie has the same limitations with PrMan: The light intensity should fall of as the square of the distance to the point being shaded. So in your illuminate statement, there must be a division by (L.L).




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