
Licensing Question

  • Benjamin Tolputt

    As I understand it - the current license of Pixie does not allow the DLL to be linked to an application without requiring the parent application to be GPL'ed. This puts a major hamper on my use (and several others I hear) as I prefer the Python BSD license for distributing my apps built using Python. It is not that I want to "rip off" Pixie, but I do not feel comfortable with a license that forces me to relicense anything else with which it is attached.

    Is there any chance that the license could be LGPL? Are there too many contributors or is the LGPL license disliked by the developers? Something else I am missing?


    • George Harker

      George Harker - 2005-06-21

      Did you see this post from Okan?

      libri and libsdr are supposed to be under the LGPL, if that's not clear in the licence docs, then that may be an error that needs fixing.  Do please say if it isn't clear.

      I think that thread has a some discussion of why the code is GPL/LGPL rather than BSD.



    • Benjamin Tolputt

      Actually - I did know about that discussion as I took a part in it *grin*

      At the end I asked to know what parts of the rndr application needed replacing to make the license up to us (Okan only mentioned the triangulation code).

      I'm not a license fanatic, just don't like HAVING to apply a license on my code. LGPL only applies to the library, and as such is just fine and dandy. BSD & MPL are awesome, but I can understand that the freedoms they offer can allow a competitor to kill a project.

      I simply want to be able to use the rendering back-end for my animation software without making my software GPL.

      So if it is feasible to the developers (Okan & George?) I would be willing to replace the GPL code wth something else, even if it is LGPL. I just need to know what parts of code to replace.


      • George Harker

        George Harker - 2005-06-21

        ;) appologies, should have re-read the thread more thoroughly.

        Basically, changing the licence isn't necessarily all that easy given that a number of folks contributed code under a given licence agreement.  I speak for myself here, not Okan or any other of the contributors. 

        The libri and libsdr libraries _are_ the core of Pixie.  You can kick a render from them, integrate a display driver of your own and you have an application.  These are supposed to be LGPL which (in my understanding) allows you to integrate, link to, and distribute your won app under whatever licence you like, provided the LGPL licence for the library is included prominantly and adhered to for changes to that library.

        Is that not sufficient to get doen what you want to?  It's my belief that you won't have to GPL your program.



    • Okan Arikan

      Okan Arikan - 2005-06-21

           I just wanted to make a little clarification: the pieces of the code that were incompatible with LGPL have been re-coded. The libraries that come with Pixie are all LGPL and as George pointed out, you can build/distribute applications that are linked against LGPL without LGPL'ing your application. However, the LGPL libraries that you used must be indicated and their licenses must be included in your distribution.


    • Benjamin Tolputt

      Actually - that is cool. Very cool. This is exactly the result I was after. As I mentioned - I have no hassles with LGPL libraries :)

      Thanks for the info guys!


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