
#108 sdrc.exe crashes on launch on Windows XP64


Hi All,

I downloaded Pixie 2.2.6 and sdrc.exe crashes on launch. My operating system is Windows XP64. I have at least on e other XP64 user who has confirmed that the same thing happens on his system.

I am looking forward to a fix on this bug so I can actually compile my shaders and see what Pixie can do.


  • Okan Arikan

    Okan Arikan - 2009-06-24

    Hi Atom,

    Can you post the shader you're trying to compile? Unfortunately, I do not have a 64bit machine to test this. I hope I can replicate the issue on Win32.


  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I don't think it has anything to do with the shader itself. sdrc.exe simply crashes on launch. I also tested this on a Windows XP 32Bit single core system. The same thing, happens.

    The Error Message:
    "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect."

    Maybe your installer is missing some key file that my systems do not have?

  • Josiah Manson

    Josiah Manson - 2010-01-06

    I emailed Okan directly before finding this bug report system. The problem is that srdc.exe is linked against the debug runtime. Only people with VS 2008 installed will be able to run sdrc.exe with the supplied binary.

  • Daniel

    Daniel - 2010-04-16

    I can confirm this on Windows 7 HP 64. Just double-clicking the EXE, not passing params, gives an error about an incorrect side-by-side config. Please review app log, or run sxstrace.exe

    Not really sure what's going on, but it's easy to recreate. Just attempt to start the app, in any way.

  • Alex

    Alex - 2010-05-23

    This is because the binary is built against the debug CRT. Try the build here:

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    same here on win7 64bit. when running command sdrc.exe i get message: "The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is in
    correct. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.e
    xe tool for more detail." Doesn't matter is there passed shader or not.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    forgot to say that sdrc.exe is only file that won't run... Downloaded version is 2.2.6. Ver 2.2.5 compile without problems on same system. Hope this help a little...

  • Eric Hochhalter

    Eric Hochhalter - 2010-11-09

    I was also struggling with this issue today.
    scorp007 has the answer.

    Until a new official build of Pixie is released with a distribution build of sdrc.exe, the best easiest solution for the bad sdrc.exe is to replace it with one from scorp007's fork at
    Got me running in a minute.

    Thanks scorp007!


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