
Pixel / News: Recent posts

Source code version control moved to git

Finally added git support, so I moved the code across to that. All my projects are managed by git internally, so this will hopefully mean the SF repo stays more up to date

Posted by Cyan Ogilvie 2009-08-13

Changes in Pixel

Many of the sub-packages have been TEAified, and the core moved into it's own sub-package. A new sub-package "Pixel-tkphoto" has been added to more reliably and more portably glue pmaps into Tk (this time by implementing a photo format handler)

Posted by Cyan Ogilvie 2008-08-07

Status update

Still here (really!)

Despite appearances this stuff is still being developed and is used daily (by me anyway).

I've recently moved to git for version control, which makes it much easier to manage distributed development, which is important for me (I live in South Africa, in a rural area, and internet access is an occasional thing). Git allows me to keep my repository local for everyday work, and push updates to a public server on the internet when access is available.... read more

Posted by Cyan Ogilvie 2006-08-14

Moved to

This library descends from a long line of code that initially started as my latest iteration of a C library for 2d graphics. I've used it in a number of projects and it seems to work quite nicely. There doesn't seem to be anything else for doing this sort of work in Tcl, so I've finally put it up here in the hope that it will grow into something really useful

Posted by Cyan Ogilvie 2004-10-22