
Pipeline is out of Beta

Dear Subscribers:

Seven Software is pleased to announce the first Pipeline Newsletter! After a 2.5 month release hiatus, We are pleased to announce the new version of Pipeline 1.0. Pipeline is now officially out of Beta, the new version will roll out soon. The updater will notify you when its ready. You may start asking what are the new features of Pipeline and why did it take over 2 months. Well that is an easy answer. Pipeline has teamed up with BULocalization SF.Net Project to bring you Pipeline in other languages. The default language is english. There are optional languages available to download via updater. You can help translate Pipeline to your language too!

There are many other changes and improvements in the new version, some of them include:
- New Logo!
- Languages
- Job Wizard GUI bugs fixed.
- Fixed incorrect progress and file count on some circumstances.
- Added Ability to only Sync files on the Destination (Won't sync file on source not found on destination)
- Minor GUI tweaks
- Code Optimizations
- So many more updates - for all updates see release notes.

We hope you will enjoy the new version of Pipeline.
Expected Code Release is Monday September 17, 2007 or earlier.

Posted by sevenalive 2007-09-16

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