
can't discard cards (very mean bug?)

  • hybrid

    hybrid - 2007-08-03

    Hi, I just found this game today and I love it! Almost as good as the tabletop game. :>
    Anyhow, during my 4 local games against 2 computer players 2 of them I couldn't finish because the game made me discard 4 of my resource cards. But no matter which 4 I selected the fricken ok button remained grayed out. So I had no other choice but to kill the server.
    I have no idea if/how it is reproducable but it happened to me twice already. Both times it happened I had to discard four resource cards. But other times I had to discard 4 cards and everything was fine. If someone needs proof, I can give you 2 screenshots showing the game and the "discard 4 cards" window with 4 selected cards and the ok button grayed out.

    If that's a bug (and it really strikes me as one) it would be a very mean one because it doesn't let you finish the game. If you need more information, please ask me.

    oh, I am referring to pioneers 0.11.1

    • Roland Clobus

      Roland Clobus - 2007-08-03

      Thank you for reporting this bug. It has been found before. (#1758876: 0.11.1 Discard window OK button never activating).
      The current recommendation is to play games with all sevens rerolled, or downgrade to 0.10.2.
      In the next weekend (5/6 August) a new release will be made with the fix for the bug.

      Roland Clobus

    • hybrid

      hybrid - 2007-08-03

      Whoops. :D
      Thx for that reply, I found another workaround now: close the game but leave the server running. Then Launch the client again. You'll be prompted to discard but this time it works (at least so far).

      So thank you for that quick response and know that you have one more die hard fan! :>
      Awesome. :]


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